Same Past and Present (7)

I started to pull some lilies out of the flower field, trying to compare them to the lily attached to the green pad in the lake. Since I was bored, I continued to find the light bouncing off them to be different. Only the lily inside the closest lake twinkled like a prism, almost creating a dazzling rainbow. Scanning my surroundings, the other lakes appeared dull, almost empty. A sudden idea jolted into my head, the existence of a legendary item.

The mansion grounds were mystical, the air filled with a gigantic supply of mana swirling around. The surroundings almost sparkled like small stars blinking in and out. Referring to the latest manga I had read, that lily pad had to possess something unique. I walked towards a skinny tree, snapping one of its branches. There were many slender dark trees in the area, not making a significant difference if one of them were altered.

The lily pad wasn't far from the edge, stretching my arm to pull it towards me. But strangely, the closer I looked at it, the magical effect faded. Was there something I was missing here? There had to be some kind of trigger or illusions attached to it. Legendary items weren't supposed to be easy to obtain or access. Dropping my stick into the lake, I gazed at the overflowing lilies in front of me. Did I have to create something with them? I knew how to make flower crowns and rings from watching Rika through the memorila.

My fingers became busy as I began to rip more flowers out to make some rings and crowns. Nobody came near this area anyways, everyone else preferring to visit the large boats. When the entire lake started to slightly glimmer, I gasped from feeling more mana focused on that lily pad. This motivated me to continue producing more accessories, eventually placing the flower crown on my head. As soon as I wore the crown, I was stunned, finding the sky turn into violet and reds. The lily pad was placed on top of a tall podium placed in the middle of the lake, the deepest area.

Maybe I could still pull the lily pad towards me, snapping another tree branch. I focused on sliding the lily pad off the podium, increasingly leaning closer towards the lake. However, I still kept a reasonable distance, not wanting to fall inside. I would become a goner if Luke saw me wet, breaking his trust in leaving me alone. I decided to switch to chanting to make the lily pad to come closer to me, too focused to notice some hands creeping up from the lake.

I screamed as someone pulled me inside, tugging on my dress. But I wasn't wet, finding myself inside a radiating white temple. My eyes widened as I walked further towards the podium, skyrocketing high into the clouds. A large set of stairs intimidatingly loomed in front of me, making my head dizzy from imagining how I would climb them. When I looked down, I was wearing new clothes, a silky white dress, resembling a goddess. I raised my head again, stopping when a person wearing a white suit stood in front of me.

"Are you here to take the trial?" He looked down at me.

"A trial for what?" I was confused.

"You're here for the pearl, are you not? The pearl that has the ability to bring you back from death," he began to step down towards me.

"I wasn't, but it would be nice to have," I cheered inside my heart for discovering a cheat item.

"You appear to not know anything. The pearl can be used once to bring you back to life. If you die from old age, you will regain your health and reverse the time on your body to expand your lifespan. Or if you die as a monster, you will wake as a human being. All injuries and illnesses causing your death will be reversed, giving you a brand new start," he explained.

My eyes went large, impressed with the cheat item I discovered. It was better than the second chance card, knowing what would happen to me afterwards. My heart filled with regret as I wished I had asked God for this cheat instead of the card I possessed. How bad could the trial be? I nodded my head, "I would like to take this trial."

"Let me summon your guardian from the other side," he called for Micah.

A twisting hole appeared to display the image of Micah working in a neat office like he was inside a large tree trunk, surrounded by dripping greenery decorating the walls. Micah's eyes slightly widened, finding his body being pulled towards us. When Micah stepped into the temple, he appeared extremely puzzled, facing both of us. The person in the suit passed a contract to Micah, "your guardian cannot interfere in the trial, I need to get an agreement from him."

Micah accepted the sheet of paper, going pale from briefly skimming through the contract, soon turning to me, "you cannot take this trial. Almost no one survives from it. There is a high price for this item."

"What is the trial?" I wanted to know.

"I cannot agree to her taking the trial. Although she is qualified, it is unlikely she will survive the first round. She is a young child, incomparable to fairies who have lived for thousands of years, dying from taking the same trial," Micah refused to sign the contract.

"Can anyone tell me what the trial is?" I felt like I was being left out.