Miliana was always up to date with all the latest gossip in school. She was a reliable source and a powerful influencer, one of the few people who enjoyed attending social events. We quickly became close, sending many messages to each other in secret. After I helped get her revenge on Charles, we continued to relay information to each other. I wondered how her relationship with Charles became strained, being friends with both of them.
"I can help get rid of the rumors," Miliana knew my hatred for Alex.
"How were they created in the first place?" I unfroze from my shock.
"It became worse during the time you were sleeping. At first, the guests admired him helping you change into a new pair of shoes. But they weren't used to him holding you for the entire time, not believing his excuse that you were ill. Most of the guests wondered why you weren't using the spare room instead," she explained.
"But no one can use the spare rooms since Haruka isn't answering his messages," I clenched my hands into fists.
"Although Haruka isn't letting us use them, he freely gives access to the guests," Miliana revealed.
"Isn't Alex considered to be a guest?" I wondered.
Alex wasn't inside the same fraction as the others. Unlike me and Luke, Alex was only in one fraction, excluding the neutral fraction he recently joined. I sighed as this was the unfortunate reason why more guests searched for me rather than him.
"I don't know. I've been here for hours and couldn't take a single break," she equally held a grudge.
"Do you want to join my group chat? Charles is inside it to throw Haruka out of our fraction," I offered.
"I'm joining. When we have a common goal, we work well together," Miliana was extremely mad.
"Is it possible to join your conversation?" Alex watched us whisper into each other's ears.
"I'll tell him," I shot her a look.
"I'll update you on the news," Miliana left us.
I whispered into Alex's ear, "Miliana told me how rumors are swirling around about us in a romantic relationship together. It was because of Haruka."
"What?" Alex's eyes went large.
"She's helping me control the rumors right now," I continued.
Alex wiped all traces of emotions on his face, almost resembling Luke. I knew he was trying to hide how offended he felt to be associated with me in a romantic sense. We mutually disliked each other. Unfortunately stuck with each other, connected together by my engagement with Luke. How did people arrive at this conclusion, making abrupt assumptions after watching us for a short period of time?
"He held her hand for the entire event yesterday too," a guest gossiped.
"There has to be something more between them. Did you notice how he sweetly adjusted her head so she could sleep better?" another person joined in.
"And the way he changed her shoes and caught her fall," she almost squealed.
"This can't be a simple relationship between family," another guest agreed.
"I pity her partner who doesn't know," one of them gazed at us.
"It's hard to determine who to support," he nodded his head.
"You can fix this, right?" I was disgusted with the rumors.
"Add me to your group chat. I need help," Alex's face became icy.
I opened my screen to add the newest two members to my group chat. Haruka was making many enemies today. My day of achieving my revenge wouldn't be far with Alex joining us. I knew how unforgiving Alex was, recalling the horrible study sessions. I stepped a few metres away from Alex, getting his permission to separate from him. This was the perfect chance to look for more hiding spots since we equally wanted to stay away from each other.
"Those rumors are ridiculous," Ethan was able to escape from the guests.
"Haruka made Alex turn against him," I agreed.
"The rumors are getting more uncontrollable," Miliana joined us.
"A few people are getting the idea your partner will change," she explained.
Although I hated both Luke and Alex, I had to admit Luke was a bit better. Unfortunately, Alex was more forceful in trying to get the things he wanted. My face slumped as I listened to Miliana updating me on everything she managed to gather. Ethan's face kept switching between shock and confusion, finding the rumors to be extremely overblown. He witnessed my fight with Alex the previous day, revealing my strained relationship with him.
"I'm going to directly talk to Haruka," I searched for him.
I left Miliana and Ethan as soon as I noticed Haruka. He was standing in the middle of the ballroom, leaving his partner and Charles to greet the guests near the entrance. I walked towards him, trying to stay hidden as possible. Using my new invisibility spell and sound-proof barrier, I managed to stand behind him. After I broke my spells, I tapped on his back, brightly smiling with annoyance.
"Rika?" Haruka was surprised.
"Are we that close?" I slightly narrowed my eyes.
"I am Rika de Impalia Roselia," I reminded him.
"Is there anything you need?" Haruka quickly recovered.
"Please check your marble. The lack of communication is frustrating our fraction members," I gestured.
"I have to handle the guests first, I'll check the messages when I'm done with this conversation," he lowered his voice.
"My cousin is a guest as well. He requested to use a spare room and you never bothered to read his message," I started to raise my voice.