Sleepover (6)

Unfortunately, Luke was adamant to prove his family didn't hate me. He managed to set up a last-minute mini family union. It was my first time directly seeing Allison in person. She appeared nearly identical to how she was inside the memorila, cruelly beautiful and done with life. I shivered from her smile and shifted my focus on counting everyone inside the dining room. But sadly, it seemed everyone in the direct line of the Roselia family was present, including Lucius and Belle.

My body seemed to shrink, regretting I revealed my true thoughts. The sleepover wasn't worth the attention. My appetite instantly disappeared as Luke continued to slice more food for me. Why did the portions look larger than normal today? I was close to banging my head against the table. It was obvious they heard everything that happened from Luke as I avoided their eyes, hoping I could quickly leave this space.

"How long are we staying here?" I whispered to Luke.

"The rest of the weekend," he casually responded.

"Aren't your parents and grandparents supposed to be busy?" I wanted to leave earlier.

"They made time," Luke surprisingly revealed.

I was really close to fainting, nearly rolling my eyes. Eating a bite of my salad, I felt everything rising up into my throat again. After a few minutes, I gave up on eating, using the excuse, "I don't feel that well today. It has been a while since I have seen many pieces of sharp cutlery. You may understand if you nearly get hunted to death by them."

I began to stand to escape to my usual bedroom. The awkward silence inside this room was jabbing my back. But Luke urged me to sit back down, warning me that I had no other choice. How could I not hate this person? I brightly smiled with annoyance as I hoped they would be more lenient with the tutors this round. There was no way I was going through this again for the other mealtimes.

"It's obvious they're forced to be here. Why can't I leave, and they pretend I don't exist? Both parties would become extremely happy," I accidentally mumbled my thoughts out loud.

"We didn't come here by force, Rika. We wanted to spend more time with you," Logan answered.

"Is it the herbs or the elixirs that you want from me? If you let me leave earlier, I'm willing to give them to you," I tried to negotiate.

"If you want more legendary items, I can get hunted to death again. The mediator said I still have four more rounds left and that I interest them," I added when he was silent.

I was getting desperate to leave this place that I was starting to think getting hunted wasn't that bad. The hunt only lasted for five minutes at a time while I was stuck here for two entire days. Logan sadly gazed at me, "we don't expect anything from you. We don't ever see you as a tool."

"It's really fine. I would rather get hunted than staying here. It would make both parties happy," I attempted to convince them.

"In fact, I can call Micah right now. He knows a method to contact the mediator," I offered.

"We don't expect you to do this for us nor want you to. How could you think we would be willing to exchange your life for some item?" Logan looked offended.

"Most likely, I won't die. The best favor you could do for me is abandon me. How much do you want in exchange?" I found this to be the perfect time to regain my freedom.

"She really thought no one loved her," Joanna seemed hurt.

Where were all these misunderstandings coming from? It was mutual hate through and through. Luke's parents never treated Rika nicely inside the memorila. His grandparents only liked her for her potential for possessing an unlimited amount of mana. I wasn't stupid and falling for their act was offending on my end. So why was Luke looking like he was going to cry again? His family was already doing their own play to fool me otherwise.

"Rika wants an answer. She has more things she's willing to offer than you think she does," I knew everything they did for me wasn't free.

"We wouldn't abandon you for any price," Allison stabbed her fork into her steak.

Was I that steak? My smile faltered as I couldn't help but gulp. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to intimidate me to make my hopes fly away. I was starting to get more annoyed, tired of getting treated like one of their pawns. I placed my cutlery down, "look, I'm not stupid as you think I am. Who doesn't know the Roselia family is full of award-winning actors and actresses? I'm trying to offer you a good deal to escape from this place in return."

"We all know it's mutual hate," I pointed out.

"She thinks the entire thing is an act," Belle gasped.

"I didn't believe Luke at first, but it's real," she whispered.

"How did she come up with these thoughts in the first place?" Lucius acted startled.

"I really appreciate what this family has done for me so far. However, I desire to go on a different path from now on. I'm fine if you hate or despise me, it doesn't affect me in any way since I'm used to it. I have others who care about me in my life. So let's end this misery together," I offered again.

"I'm sorry Rika. We'll pay more attention to you from now on," William appeared heartbroken.

Did this family really need me that much? It was the exact opposite of what I wanted! Why couldn't they treat me as if I was invisible? I was sure I was being blunt with my intentions.

I decided to go along with their act to somewhat satisfy them, "I don't need your attention and love and never did. I like getting ignored. The more you treat me like I'm invisible, the happier I am. So please don't apologize to me."

"She has given up on us," Joanna made absurd assumptions.

"Mark this day on your calendars. We're going to meet at least once every other week," Logan ordered them.

"Do you actually want to torture me? Why do you hate me so much?" I exploded.

There was no way Luke wouldn't drag me here with him. I decided to stop talking to prevent myself from making another blunder. I was leading myself into more doom. Why were none of my previous attempts not working? I tried to be as direct and straightforward as possible. Ugh!

I still had to tread carefully to make sure I wouldn't get sent to the tutors. I needed some indigestion medicine, something I could never access in this reincarnated life.