Belonging (4)

"I'm holding a gun in one of my hands," the serial killer pointed.

"Aim for the head or the heart, I want a fast death," I was sick of this reincarnated life.

"You're strange. It would be no fun in killing you. I'm going to sell you instead," he studied me.

"Do you have a vehicle with you? I have poor stamina, it's going to be hard if I have to walk with you there," I didn't mind.

"I have a car. I don't think I even have to threaten you to follow me. You seem desperate to escape from the other person who wants to kill you," he noticed.

"Can you at least pretend to threaten me? I'm going to get in trouble if it looked like I willingly followed you," I sighed.

"My acting skills are better than you think they are. What do you want me to do? Cry, scream, plead for your mercy, or all three?" I listed the options.

"I guess screaming would help. It would prevent people from coming closer to us," he dumbly chose.

Using all my lungs, I screamed like my life was on the line, surprising the serial killer. I could tell he was impressed, gazing at me with approval in his eyes. Meanwhile, Ally already ran away to my parent's house, trying to get some help. Once we were out of sight, I could easily teleport to escape. Calmly approaching the serial killer was the best way to get out of this alive. I planned to stay inside a library to read some manga and light novels for the rest of summer vacation. I possessed enough snacks inside my marble to survive on my own.

"My car is a couple blocks away from here. It would be less noticeable this way," he explained.

"I think some people are starting to call the police. You should use your gun to place it against my back. This way, the police will be more reluctant to fight back if we have to face them," I suggested.

"Right, I forgot. Thanks for letting me know," the serial killer followed my suggestion.

"Rika!" My mom wretchedly yelled.

Why was Ally so stupid? The serial killer would obviously get more interested in torturing someone with their target's parents joining them. Thankfully, I didn't resemble my mom. I shot her a look to not interfere. When Ally noticed my intent, she attempted to hold my mom back. After the serial killer slightly smiled, "do you know her?"

"I don't. She may have mistaken me for someone else. Let's get going," I urged him.

"You're on a call with someone right now," the serial killer noticed.

My eyes went large, totally forgetting to end the call. This meant Luke and Alex heard everything. I immediately ended the call, requesting to him, "you should have let me know beforehand. These are the other two people I'm trying to escape from. Can you knock me out? I'm going to get in trouble if you lose against them and I'm conscious during that time."

"I'm not sure how to knock people out without hurting them. You look really fragile," he was reluctant.

"Slam my head towards the floor? I don't mind if you lightly injure me," I was worried about other things.

"Look, I can put you to sleep instead. Inhale this and it'll put you to sleep for half a day. It doesn't have any side effects from what I know," he generously offered.

I swiped the bottle from him, sniffing the lovely aroma resembling honey. I silently cheered inside my heart when my vision instantly became blurrier, my eyes drowsy, and slowly closed them. My mind was numbing down as I felt myself being dragged on the sidewalk. Maybe this was why I had a late reaction when someone loudly slammed a car door open. I couldn't fight back when their familiar arms pulled me away from the serial killer.

I slightly winced when I could hear the serial killer painfully screaming, sounds of him getting beaten up. It had to be Alex's powerful kicks, the same ones that previously defeated a few criminals. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do at this point. I couldn't control any of my limbs under the influence of whatever the serial killer gave me. The same reason I couldn't cover my ears when Luke shouted at my mom when she began to approach me.

"After packing our belongings, we will be returning to the first district. I have warned you multiple times not to let Rika outside the house. Other than the meeting with my parents, I don't think I can let you meet with Rika again," Luke was disappointed in her.

"Rika is my daughter. I am her guardian and you cannot take her away from me. I have the right to prevent you from doing so," my mom was adamant.

"You nearly got your daughter kidnapped," Alex supported Luke.

"But it's not a reason to prevent me from ever seeing her again," my mom heartbreakingly pointed out.

"Pass me my daughter, return her to me," her voice trembled.

It wasn't my mom's fault, it was mine for wanting to go outside. I never predicted I would have terrible luck to the point I would run into a serial killer. I sadly felt my body getting placed onto one of their car seats, my world uncontrollably fading into black as I couldn't respond.