You Shouldn’t Lie to Children

Early the next morning, the Zhongs set out toward the capital in the north. They would have to cross the plains, until they reached the foothills of the Long mountain range. It was said, that once upon a time, a dragon had laid itself down to rest there, and a lot of towns and villages had been built at its flanks. Dragons were said to be a good omen in the empire, so of course, the capital, too, had been built not far from the mountain range. It was just, that it was located at the northern end, so the Zhongs would need six weeks to get there.

At the first day of their journey, Mister Zhong looked at his son again and again, trying to gauge, if he already missed home. But to his surprise, Jing Yi didn't look upset at all. He instead looked really calm, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Mister Zhong was reassured and by the second day, he saw his chance to help his son to take an interest in nature. He started pointing out special landmarks, plants and animals, all in the hope of Jing Yi being wowed. Unfortunately for him, his son didn't react much. He looked over, when his father told him to look, but turned back just as fast.

Mister Zhong could just sigh and give up. This child of his … It would never love nature.

This conclusion was proved to be true on the fifth day. They had reached a small town the previous evening and halted in an equally small inn. Come midnight, rain started pattering on the roof.

Jing Yi woke up, opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Then he turned around and slept again. No, it wasn't the rain, that was the problem. The true problem revealed itself the next morning.

The Zhongs ate breakfast at the inn, thanked the owner and wanted to set off. Mister Zhong opened the door and stepped outside. The rain had long stopped, only the remaining puddles and the muddy ground proved, that it had fallen in the first place.

Zhong Jing Yi took one look outside. His eyes went huge and he ran back into the inn, sitting down at the table again, his whole face saying "I won't go outside!"

Madam Zhong observed her son, then looked outside and sighed. "Let's wait awhile."

Her husband stood outside and scratched his head. "Why?" Didn't they want to hurry, to reach the capital as soon as possible? Six weeks weren't short and who knew, how fast his cousin needed their help?

Madam Zhong didn't answer and went back to the owner instead, asking her, if they could stay a while longer.

The woman lifted her brows. She also couldn't help but wonder, why they decided against it at the last moment.

Madam Zhong motioned to the door. "The path isn't that good after the rain. I'm afraid it could be too much for our son, going all the way on such a muddy road."

The woman didn't think, that it was a problem for a child his age to travel outside after the rain had subsided, but she didn't voice her thoughts. "Oh. Well, if you want to …" It wasn't her loss. If the family stayed a day longer, she'd earn more.

Qiu Ling sat down at another table and observed Jing Yi. That isn't … my fault, is it? His gaze wandered to the door and the path on the other side. Those pools of dirty water … This mud … Why does it look so familiar?

Qiu Ling narrowed his eyes and tried to remember. It seemed like … he had used holes filled with this kind of dirty water and mud, to trick Jing Yi back then? Hadn't all the girls from the village fallen into such holes with a little help of his?

He looked back at the child, that sat at the table, petrified. Uh … It seemed, he had really gone a little overboard back then? The child was still afraid of mud.

"I never would have thought, I could be this convincing …" Unfortunately, he also didn't know how to atone for this fault. For the time being, he could only wait.

Mister Zhong came back in and the family of three stayed in the inn until the next morning.

Once again, Mister Zhong opened the door and stepped out. It hadn't rained that night and nothing could be seen of the mud and puddles anymore. Still, Jing Yi went to the door cautiously, craned his neck and looked around everywhere, before deciding it was safe. He set one foot outside the inn and paused, as if he wanted to make sure, he hadn't judged the situation hasty.

Madam Zhong smiled. "It's alright. Let's go."

Reassured by his mother, Jing Yi didn't hesitate any longer and followed his parents down the road. The owner of the inn watched after them and shook her head. "Weird people", she murmured and went back in.

Qiu Ling threw her a glance, then concentrated on Jing Yi again. Six weeks outside, where it couldn't be guaranteed, that they would always be able to find an inn and where the weather could change each moment. If it started to rain again, wouldn't his beloved be suffering extremely?

"Thank god I can control the weather. But maybe I should really try to find a way to help him get over this fear."

Qiu Ling didn't dare dwell longer on the fact, that that wouldn't have been necessary, had he not behaved like that four years ago. He had just left everything to fate, neither would Jing Yi be afraid of dirt, he also might not have been so isolated.

But looking at it like this … who knew, what would have happened, had he left everything to fate.