~ Sector 4, Landing Bay ~
It was a clear, brisk morning the day the gifted children would leave their home behind. In an hour they'd be seeing it from space. Even standing there, looking at the somewhat boxy and sleek transport 'squatting' before them, low on its struts, it didn't feel real.
The ship itself didn't really fit any of the common notions most kids had of a spaceship. It had engines of course, but on both ends, with more at the 'back' than the 'front'. It was sleek, the the 'front' engines masked somewhat by the design. It was still a bit boxy because it had no wings, windows or sticky out bits. No visible antenna or weapons, just weird glass 'blisters' here and there, shaded to somewhat match the primary hull colour, a rather uninspired white.
Crews tended the odd rectangular shape like busy bees and the kids could even see the last of their luggage being 'walked' into it on via a floating 'barge' that seemed to float at waist height. A ramp which weirdly came down from the side of the odd vessel only made it look even more out of place. The difference in lighting made looking through the gap difficult though.
[Girl]: "Looks kinda like something from 'Star Wars'? Maybe...?"
[Dan]: "What's that?"
[Girl]: "Some old Sci-Fi show my parents made me watch. Wasn't very realistic but lots of explosions and stuff. People in had the 'Gift' but they called it a 'Force' I think. My dad had loads of stuff about it."
[Dan]: "Really? Wonder if -"
Matthew, Dan and two other boys stood with Alice and two girls near the back of the group. The other boys were called Mike and Akito, the girls Fran and Penny. The group had bonded a little in the last three weeks of ground time and lessons. Often taking time to battle through their 'homework' together.
So far, Alice was the only one in their little group who could now consistently determine the object behind the mirror and had moved on to more difficult exercises. Everyone else was still a little hit and miss. Matthew had actually begun to have some moderate success himself, but felt stifled at having to 'remember' how to 'find' his Gift once the collar came off. He knew that, in a way, it was good training but in an another it slowed him down.
Akito was actually the best at homework, devouring it alongside all the extra studying he seemed always to be doing. Mike and Dan were... hard working and Fran and Pen sat somewhat firmly in the middle of the group, ability wise.
[All attention. All attention. Transport to the vessel, Oriya Rift, will be departing in one standard hour. Passengers will begin to embark.]
Boarding was fairly straight forward, with passengers using a smaller ramp which descended beside the one for loading. Unlike the glimpses of the cargo area the passenger area was plain but high comfort, like most Altai interior spaces.
Rows of three plush seats of a material similar to leather but much softer to the touch lined both sides of a generously wide isle. In a way much of design was similar to what one might have expected on a high class private jet, years before. Actual VIP seating was in another area however, left for now to the imagination.
[Female Alati]: "Alright, take any of the free seats but leave no spaces, shuffle along as needed."
The same woman who took charge of the lessons the last few weeks had led them aboard and began directing them as needed. Once everyone was settled...
[Female Alati/Lika]: "This is likely the last time we will meet, baring some unlikely future encounter. From here the flight team will take over and you will meet your instructors aboard ship. You have earned my name, should you choose to remember it, which is Lika. I wish you good tidings, children, and far horizons."
With little more than that she turned and left. Shock might be to best term for what lingered in her wake.
[Alice]: "Did she just... leave us?"
[Matthew]: "Yeah I think she did."
[Penny]: "I can't breathe..."
Before the group could turn rowdy however, another woman entered the transport. Cold was the first and last impression anyone might have of this Alati. She wore a similar uniform to Lika but within only a single gold bar adorning her shoulder. Her eyes were hard, strong and she stood at attention with a familiar ease.
[Alati Crew]: "You will remain seated. You will not shout or raise your voices. You shall follow all instructions I provide and this will be a short, safe, trip. You..."
~ Two standard hours later ~
[Alati Crew]: "We have arrived. You will shortly depart and someone will greet you. Good day to you."
The new woman departed the room, failing to leave a name or a lasting impression. The group she left behind were confused.
[Matthew]: "When... did we leave?"
[Group]: " "
Silence blanketed the group of children. Which was understandable given they hadn't felt anything at all. No messages had told them they were taking off and the woman hadn't indicated it at all. The only thing that seemed to happen was the woman coming and going a few times to check on them.
They weren't left long however as a third woman entered the room and came to a stop before them. She was suited up in a stark white uniform, with black edges and highlights. A cap settled her hair, with two black stripes on both it and her shoulders. Bright blonde hair, cut in a short bob that rested around her shoulders and a cheerful smiling face framing pale blue eyes. Young as they were several little hearts throbbed in their seats.
[Alati]: "Well now, so your my little 'Rabbits' for this trip. That's an dirt animal yes? Still very strange to visit a planet called dirt, or was it 'Earth'? Two names for dirt, strange. Anyway, 'Rabbits'. Furry little things which are pretty much helpless. That's you lot for now. Maybe by the time we reach Alati we can make you 'Kittens', yes?~"
Laughter greeted the woman, to her apparent amusement.
[Alati]: "Now most Alati think names are very important. Mines, Jaswin by the way. Three black bars on the shoulders make me Lieutenant Jaswin and like you lot, Gifted. I'll be your main contact while you are on-board and I've done this like, 4 times before so your in good hands."
Calming down the group listened intently. A practice learned in the shelter with their previous instructor. Even if this one seemed different it was a hard habit to break once the information started flowing.
[LT Jaswin]: "Now you lot will follow me, good little 'Rabbits'. Yes? You will meet your other 'keepers' who might not be as 'chipper' but will look after you all the same. Yes?"
Jaswin paused, seeming to remember something before looking around. Her gaze settled on Matthew, or more precisely, his neck.
[LT Jaswin]: "Ah there's a sight, I remembered we had one with 'teeth' this time around. Hopefully that will come off in a bit. The part of the ship you will be housed in will be highly dampened. Not enough to bother anyone with control of their Gift much, that's nigh impossible aside from the collars, but for you lot it'll feel like a constant headache until you overcome it. It'll also make very it difficult to act out by accident so we won't be needing that collar much longer."
The Lieutenant must have seen the sheer relief on Matthews face as she broke into a short chuckle.
[LT Jaswin]: "Right, get up by rows and follow me out in a single line. Any pushers get thrown out the airlock all right~"