
"You dare to block me? Do you know who I am?" A youth about eighteen years old bristled as he pointed his finger to the manager restaurant.

"Who are you?" There was a loud voice from the second floor. Clearly, from the voice, there was a trace of anger on it.

What surprising was, the restaurant still kept serving the people in the dining hall who came for the breakfast. Meanwhile, the people who came for breakfast watched the commotion in great interest.

After they heard the voice from the second floor, all people in the dining hall looked at the stairs. Curious who's voice just now.

Soon, two men descended from the second floor. Udin and Gusti came down with Udin in the lead while Gusti followed on the back. The onlookers could discern Udin looked at the youth with a fury look.

All people in the dining hall recognized both of course. Udin "The Berserker" Karso while the behind was Gusti "The Titan" Prayoga. Both were celebrity since they joined Happy Guild and established Garuda.

After joining the Happy Guild, less than a month, both entered the list of top 20 of Level Ranking which made both named themselves in East City.

Looking at this, Zhang Hao glanced at his little sister and said, "See, there will be something interesting. That fool just scolded Udin's mother, the rising star of the Happy guild and the vice leader of Garuda," He pointed at the manager restaurant.

"Indeed, munch munch... the drama will start now… munch munch," Zhang Rou nodded her head while munching the green bun. On the table, there were six plates and four teapots. Out of six plates, the four plates had been emptied.

The youth stunned as he looked at Udin and Gusti. This youth recognized both as they were rising star of Happy Guild, many people were talking and gossiping about them.

Udin walked, walking closer to his mother while Gusti tailed behind him. Udin embraced his mother's shoulder and looked at the attendant who was helping his mother.

"Thank you for helping my mother," Udin bowed his head slightly, "You can back to work now, I will take care of this matter,"

"No problem, we are one guild so we shall help each other. Moreover, your mother is our vice leader Happy Cooking Association. It's natural for us to help her against this bunch of arrogant and unreasonable people like them," One attendant smiled at Udin and snorted at the group.

After hearing what Udin said, the group of attendants dispersed. Leaving only the bunch of old men, two youths, Udin's mother, Udin, and Gusti. The youth stunned as he looked at Udin, his face paled as he didn't expect the woman he scolded just now was Udin's mother.

"So, who are you? Why are you making ruckus here? Also, before answering me apologize to my mother now!" Even though Udin didn't lose his temper like the youth did, but clear, from his tone he was angry.

The eighteen-year-old youth paled, he didn't dare to look at Udin. He looked back, seeking help from his family. Another youth about twenty-three years stepped forward, he sneered at Udin, "Apologies to your mother? Who do you think you are? You are just lackey and you dare act cocky toward us? Do you know who we are?"

Udin frowned at the youth who interrupted him. This both youths were flaunting their identity despite faced him. Udin looked each people in the group. There were three old men, three middle-aged men, two middle-aged men, and two youths. But he recognized none of them.

Gaining support from his big brother, the eighteen youth braced himself, looking straight at Udin and said with an arrogant tone, "Zhen Yi is my cousin, so do you know who we are now? Do you still dare to ask to apologize to the lackey's mother of my cousin?"

Indeed, this group was from Zhen Family and they wanted to meet Zhen Yi and Randy, but the manager said she could not contact him which made them angry. They thought the manager was bluffing them.

How come the manager restaurant could not contact the boss? This was so obvious the manager blocked them to meet Zhen Yi and Randy. At least, it was what they were thinking.

Udin and Gusti were looking each other after hearing what the eighteen youth said. Udin sent a message to Randy. This was already out of his scope if this youth was lady boss' cousin. But he still looked at the eighteen youth with fury.

"So what? Whoever you are, you must apologize to my mother!" However, Udin didn't cower despite the youth revealed his identity. Moreover, even the Boss and Lady Boss were treating him nicely. Let alone this youth only Lady Boss' cousin. Moreover, he never saw them, most likely this youth was a distant cousin of Lady Boss.

"You… You…" The eighteen youth was pointing his finger toward Udin, but there was no word came out from his mouth. He was in a panic now, even the twenty-three youth brow furrowed. The old men and middle age men didn't interfere with the argument, they were aloof and they didn't care about the argument.

"Apologize now!" Udin asserted more pressure.

The eighteen youth became even more uneasy, as he kept looking to the right and left, avoiding Udin's gaze.

But when his gaze fell at the stairs, his face became bright. There was a man, and a woman descended from the second floor.

Without care Udin's gaze, the eighteen youth strode over, approaching the woman and a man in a hurry.

"Elder sister, you shall take care of your lackey. How come your lackey dare force me to apologize to his mother," The eighteen youth complained as he was getting closer to Zhen Yi.

Udin was embracing his mother, following behind the eighteen youth, walking over to Randy and Zhen Yi while Gusti tagged along.

Meanwhile, Zhen Yi frowned as she looked at this eighteen youth. She recognized him, indeed he was her cousin, the youngest son of her second uncle, Zhen Muyu.

Randy looked at Udin who was embracing his mother. He noticed Udin's mother kept nudging Udin, but Udin ignored her.

After that Randy looked at the eighteen yo which so-called his wife's cousin. After reporting to Zhen Yi, the uneasiness on the eighteen yo was gone, his expression back to haughty and arrogant.

Afterward, he scanned shot a glance to the group at the entrance. This bunch of old men put an aloof expression. Randy scanned the one so-called Zhen Yi paternal family less than ten seconds.

Without even inquiry the main problem, only just from the haughtiness and arrogance of the eighteen yo, Randy concluded already the eighteen yo was the main problem.

"I heard that you wanted to meet me? Then apologize to her first, after that you and your elders can come up," After saying that, Randy pulled Zhen Yi's hand, heading back to the second floor.

The eighteen yo stunned, likewise the middle age-men and middle age women. Even though they acted aloof, not even glance at the Randy. But they put their ears. They didn't expect that Randy would pick the Udin side than his wife's family.

Udin grinned at Randy's remark. After that, he blocked the stairs, not letting the eighteen yo to chase after Randy and Zhen Yi.

Zhen Muyu didn't want to apologize, he looked back, seeking help from his brother and father, but only to see his father fury glare while his brother was shaking his head, indicating he could not help him.

The eighteen yo clenched his fist, looking at Udin's mother. He bowed his head slightly, "I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier,"

After apologizing, he walked away, approaching his family without even looked Udin and his mother again.

Afterward, Zhen Family came up to the second floor. On the second floor, Randy and Zhen Yi already took a seat, waiting for the arrival of Zhen Family.

The second floor was where Udin's family lived. Since Randy and his family moved out to Evergreen City, the Happy Guild's headquarter was vacant. Randy and let Udin and Gusti moved in, Udin's family on the second floor while Gusti's family on the third floor.

So, there was only a table with four seats. Randy and Zhen Yi already took two seats and only two seats left for Zhen Family.

Looking at this, the two old men of Zhen Family frowned. But they didn't flare up, the two old men sat on the opposite Zhen Yi and Randy.

Just as the two old men took a seat, Randy opened his mouth, "So, may I know what your purpose to meet me and my wife?"

Randy already asked his wife how he should treat her paternal family. Zhen Yi answered him, "Do as you like,"

With that, Randy didn't need to polite to this bloodsucker family. So, from the start Randy give them cold shoulder, he didn't even greet them, asking directly the purpose of Zhen Family. He was sure these old men came to here was with ill intention.

The old men didn't care how Randy treated them, "You are married to our Zhen Yi, right?"

Randy smiled at the old man who asked him. The old man was about 65 years old or even more based on the wrinkle on his face.

"Our purpose coming here is to ask the dowry. You married the daughter of Zhen Family, but you didn't give any dowry. So, we are here to ask the dowry, the dowry of our Zhen Yi,"

Hearing the old man, Randy smiled. His smile even broader which made the Zhen Family uncomfortable. Despite feeling uneasiness, the old man continued,

"We are asking you to give a territory and ten million gold as Zhen Yi's dowry!"