
Randy didn't lead Garuda's members to Semarang Territory directly, but he gave them time to rest for a while, and let them grab a meal while he was going to scout Semarang Territory.

Scouting the Semarang Territory in five miles area, Randy found something amiss. He could not find any Fire Wisp, Elemental who lived in Semarang Territory in five miles.

Randy didn't move further, but he returned where his force made a camp.

Meanwhile, Long Xinya's group had encountered no problem as they smoothly took Tasikmalaya Territory, but they didn't regroup as Randy told Long Xinya to take the next territory.

After that, Randy had his meal along with the 1620 Garuda's members. Finishing their meal, Randy briefed the Fire Wisp to the Garuda's members before letting them hunt it in a team, but he didn't follow them to hunt as he approached the small mound with lava.

Zhen Yi also didn't follow Garuda's members to hunt, but following her husband.