Wolverian Nemesis

Different from the five hundred people who shivered as they defended the wooden fence, the hundred Happy Guild members faced the endless wolves fearlessly.

They also had a different formation than the five hundred people who always grouped, the hundred people separated into ten groups and each group comprised ten people. Seven people with a melee weapon and three people on the back with a bow and a short sword.

They separated into ten groups and protected Udin and Gusti who was currently creating a new wall. Even though they faced the wolves fiercely, but the toll facing the endless wolves quite high and in three minutes, sweat appeared and their breath became hurried.

It was lucky that Udin and Gusti were reinforcing the wall fast.

Right after finishing created the five meters wall, the two immediately leaped forward. With the current level of their Earth Elemental Power, the five meters tall wall had reached their maximum.
