Raid (8)

Randy was standing flabbergasted there. But he refused to budge from where he stood and looked at the surrounding vigilantly. Maybe they had a hidden trick, Randy did not dare to lower his guard down.

After a while, Randy really did not find something strange or a sign Horn would come back. This time, he was truly relieved. If Horn decided to join the fight, Randy and the alliance had to escape. At least, he would make sure his guild members safety.

"They really do not come back, " Randy muttered unbelievably. After all, Abyss Realm plus Colossus Union, it was enough to flatten the alliance.

As for why he did not afraid or escape immediately. Randy was confident that he could escape even there were fifteen Divine Grade Undead as his opponent. He has a trump card that he had not used.

"They really leave just like that!?"