Leaving for the Central Continent (2)

In a few minutes, Rinley felt the carriage vibrate as they exit the space tunnel. She then heard someone spoke to the carriage driver before letting them pass.

"We have arrived in the Central Continent. Do you have specific places you want to visit?" Leo asked.

"I want to go to Chang'an Tower, Luoyang Mountain..." Rinley listed a few scenic spots in the Origin Elemental Realm central continent that she saw on the book.

Leo felt her head throb. If they really visited all these places, a month is not enough.

An hour into the journey, Leo suddenly noticed that Rinley seemed to be uncomfortable. Her forehead is sweating and her face is pale.

"What is it? Where do you feel uncomfortable?" he agitatedly took her pulse. Her qi is in chaos.

"Uncle, I'm feeling dizzy. Maybe it's motion sickness," Rinley put an effort to look sick and pitiful while disrupting her own qi circulation. ((+_+))

It seems very effective. Leo immediately stopped the carriage.

"Head to the nearest inn. We'll be taking a break for the day," Leo instructed to the head of the guards.


"Which big name is entering Chang'an? why are there so many Immortals?"

"Can't you see these immortals are just guards? Maybe it's a Deity?"

"A Deity is coming?"

There was a commotion at the entrance of Chang'an City as three majestic carriages with a very conspicuous fire insignia and a dozen of Immortal General guards stopped at the city gates.

The people here have seen many nobles from different clans but this is the first time they saw a concentration of Immortal General guards escort a carriage.

Were there so many Immortals nowadays? An Immortal General cultivation can already secure a cultivator a high position in some sects and powers. Most cultivators can't even reach the Immortal stage after cultivating for a whole lifetime. Which important personage can have so many immortals as guards?

Unknowingly, a crowd formed following the carriages, seeking to know which Deity visited their little city. However, they are bound to be disappointed.

The carriages stopped at one of the high-class hotels. The hotel manager was alarmed that he ran to welcome the VIPs.

From two carriages, five young men and a middle-aged man exited.

The crowd gasped in surprise. Those five handsome young men have some fame in the Origin Elemental Realm.

First in the Junior Powerhouse list, eldest young master of the Yan clan, Roland Yan. Fourth in the Junior Powerhouse List, third young master Richard. Seventh on the list, second young master Rupert. Eight on the list, fifth young master Ryan, and 16th on the list, seventh young master Raymond.

This lineup of geniuses can make maidens faint. What are they doing here? And clearly, that carriage in front is more extravagant than the two. The crowd can't wait to know which big shot came.

A plain-looking middle-aged woman came out first, followed by a handsome, muscular man in expensive silk clothes.

'Is this the big shot?' the crowd wanted to ask when suddenly a small pale hand was extended out of the carriage.

The handsome man grabbed that hand and the people saw a small exquisite face. Shiny, silver hair... large, blue eyes... unblemished, white skin. A little girl that looked more like a doll was exposed to the crowd. One look and they can tell this girl will grow up to be a devastating beauty. (Author: If she ever grows up.)

Meanwhile, Rinley was also surprised to see her welcome party. She felt smug.╭(╯^╰)╮

[Is this the so-called, 'the crowd gathering around a genius?'] Rinley has never experienced something like this before.