Yellow Gate

When Rinley arrived at a secluded alley where there are several carriages were lined up neatly. She asked if she could hire them but nobody responded.

Well, who will want to be hired by a little kid who's just playing around? Will they even get their pay? So all of them were avoiding eye contact with her while Rinley was glaring at them, extremely agitated. (⊙﹏⊙)

[What's wrong with this bunch?]

Finally, the oldest and most weak-looking of them approached her and nicely asked if she needs a ride.

Rinley can't help but look around. In Jinan City, she just followed the throng of people to get to the auction house but Shanhai City is too big. Just a look at those line of streets made her dizzy like she was inside a maze. She followed the old man to a simple carriage at the end of the line and got on.

"Grandpa, how much do I have to pay if I have to hire you for a day?"

The old man was shocked hearing a childish but sweet voice and quickly answered, "Little miss, its 10 lower grade spirit stones."

[Dang! I actually forgot to regulate my voice.]

"10 lower grade spirit stones?" Rinley saw that the old man was about to speak and added. "I mean, isn't that too little?" [That isn't even enough to pay a single dish at the inn they stayed at in Chang'an City.]

The old man looked at the Rinley with sorrow. "It's not like anyone who visits the city needs a carriage, almost everyone has their own so we really don't have many customers. If the price is too high, no one will hire you. You see, all those carriage drivers are like me, who lost their cultivation in one way or another, this is the only way we can make money."

Rinley doesn't really know what to say. A while ago she has decided to act like a moneybag but now this grandpa is making her feel guilty.

Noticing Rinley's silence, the old man asked for her destination.

"Grandpa, do you know somewhere where I can buy information?"

In about an hour, the carriage arrived in an ordinary building. In front of it was a stone tablet with the words, 'Yellow Gate.'

The old man decided to follow Rinley inside. Based on their conversation earlier. He could easily guess that the little girl came from wealth, but he is worried the kid might be easily deceived. People from Yellow Gate are known to be cunning.

Rinley walked over the counter and stated her objective right away, "I want information about the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds."

Sacred Palace Trial Grounds, the best training destination for cultivators below Immortal Realm. A place where many elite cultivators of the Origin Elemental Realm goes to leave their legacies if they have failed to find a suitable successor before they die. However, it is also a place full of dangers.

This is also one of the places where her master hid a part of the treasures he prepared for her.


Rinley: [Do I really look like someone easy to be deceived?!]