Opening of the Trial Grounds*

After the sword was delivered to the room. Rinley ignored the ongoing auction and inspected her new weapon.

Well, she's now poorer than a beggar. If it is not because she wants to act courteously to her creditors. She would have already run for the exit.

The sword looks more magnificent up close. It was made of only one material from the hilt to the tip, however, even with her knowledge, Rinley couldn't recognize it. It is cold to touch and looks like some kind metal. But has an otherworldly aura that does not belong to this world.

Rinley bit her finger and dripped her blood on the sword to refine it. She then tried lifting it with one hand. She looks quite comical holding a sword almost as tall as her.

[Heavy…] A/N: That's a heavy sword duh.

As if the sword heard her complain, the sword got lighter until its weight was bearable for her. Rinley's eyes lit up. Maybe the sword has a slumbering spirit.

[I will name you Blackie…] The sword shined as if acknowledging her words.


Finally, the auction ended and Rinley put out her sword. Fifth monkey was beaming that he won the last treasure which was a high-speed treasure battleship. The nine prepared to leave the room while Rinley watched on the sidelines.

"That about the--" Rinley approached the fifth monkey but she was cut short.

"The debt?" fifth monkey said.

Rinley nodded. Meanwhile, fifth monkey looked like he is deliberating something.

"There is one way you can pay the debt fast. Go with us to the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds," fifth monkey suggested.

"Why?" Rinley asked, flustered.

"As you can see, us nine brothers are all going in too. However, some of us have not reached Five-star Foundation Building yet. I can sense that you have a deep cultivation. If you accompany us, we will have greater chances of survival."

[Oh, so that's it. He can tell that I am a genius even though I hid my aura. The air of a genius really follows around me.] Rinley nodded happily. (* ^ ω ^)

"Okay, so its a deal?" Fifth monkey extended his hand for a handshake.

Rinley extended her hand to shake it.

"Now that we will be working together. You can just call me Brother Ryan. What is little brother called?"

"Ri- Rio"

[That was close.] ( ̄△ ̄; )


"Chief, when should we strike? The Yan clan brought a lot of Immortal cultivators. They can definitely track us," a black-cloaked man asked while exiting the auction house.

"Don't worry, death is common inside the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds. Send a group of our youngsters to eliminate them."


The next morning, the city was bustling with excitement. All inns and restaurants were filled with people. Some were making last-minute preparations while some were here just to watch the fun.

Gambling dens were already opened. In front of the entrance of the Sacred Palace Trial Grounds, there are nine pillars. The pillars gauge the legacies that have been claimed by the participants. If all nine pillars lit up at once, That means someone successfully got the legacy/treasures of an ancestor-level expert. Gambling for the results of the trials already became a tradition in Wuxi city.

"Do you think some someone will get an Ancestor-level inheritance?"

"Ancestor-level? Its already been decades since the last Ancestor-level inheritance appeared!"

"Gah, Do you think there are still Ancestor-level inheritances in the trial grounds. Dream on!"

In the central square of Wuxi City. Many participants were already lined up to get their trial pass. Treasure-seekers were only tested of their cultivation while youths searching for legacies were tested of both cultivation and bone age.

Suddenly, a clamor broke near the end of the line. Nine handsome youths with noble air entered the square-- the famous nine young masters of the Yan Clan. However, following after them was a short kid dressed in all black with a veiled hat. Many people threw curious looks at the kid. What is his identity to be with the nine young masters?


Fifth Monkey: "Wahahaha... Watching my little Rinley's changes in expression is really fun to watch! Especially that flustered look. So cute!!! So really wanna pinch her cheeks. ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ

Eight props: *Grits teeth "We were fooled! Bastard only wants screen time with our little Rinley. He even got to shake her soft hands. Dammit! Curse you!!"

Forgotten Male Lead: ψ(▼へ▼メ)~→ "Damn author! I thought you said I was coming!!