Test (2)

The test has three levels with three parts each. After passing each level, Rinley will be given a reward.

Three rare blue jadeite as big as a woman's first appeared in front of her. They were smoothly polished and has no hint of impurities. Meanwhile, a fake robotic voice was heard saying the instructions.

"First Level: Question and answer. Engrave the answer on each jade to get the treasures"

"First Question: Who is the best and most handsome alchemist of the mainworld?" the fake robotic voice sounded again as a simple carving tool materialized near Rinley's right hand. (A/N: You guys guessed it. Lol.)

Rinley looked at her master's carefree smile. She was tempted to carve the answer on his face instead. But knowing her master, he wouldn't give her anything if she didn't follow the instructions.

Rinley did it very quickly, not caring if her handwriting was a mess. She was currently feeling out of sorts. She felt like she was desecrating the precious mineral.

"Second Question: What is the name of this master's best and most favorite disciple?"

Rinley paused a bit then very naturally wrote her name, even adding a flame symbol at the end. Her actions were much more careful compared to the first one. At least this second one is not wasted, she thought as she observed her handiwork.

"On the final jade please write: My master is the best."


Rinley's eyes twitched as she hesitated. What a poser!

"What? Isn't it easy? Don't worry, the next levels are even easier," her master said smiling. After which, he collected the jades with a wave of his hand. [Hehe. There go several additions to my collections]

A treasure box appeared in place of the jades amidst a congratulatory sound of trumpets and confetti. Rinley opened the box and saw three spherical magic items.

"What's this?" Rinley was disappointed that they were not medicinal pills.

"These are magic spheres which contain my will. Just in case you miss m-- I mean, in case you face a strong enemy. You can summon my spiritual form. It can contend against anyone under Ancestor-level for at least three minutes."

"Quite useful," Rinley muttered. It can save her life in dangerous situations. She put the spheres in her interspatial ring and waited for the next level of the test.

Another three treasure boxes, which looked even more expensive than the first one appeared. Rinley eyed her master. Did he make a mistake somewhere? Why are there more treasure boxes? However, just as she was about to ask, she was intercepted by the fake robotic voice issuing a task.

"Second Level: These three boxes each contain a painting. Sign your name on the lower right side of each painting to get the treasure."

Rinley looked at the boxes curiously. Which rare painting requires such luxurious box? But she ought to be disappointed...

As the painting was unfurled Rinley caught a glimpse of a chubby-looking baby sitting in a soft blue mattress filled with toys. It wears in nothing but cotton diapers. Meanwhile, it's face was split in an big smile, showing its shallow dimples and it's two bright eyes were sparkling with innocence.

Rinley's face immediately darkened.


No need to ask, its a painting of baby 'Rinley' in the past life.