Two Years (2)

After Rinley came back from the trial grounds two years ago, she fessed up a mixture of truth and lies about what happened.

She described how she got curious about the Sacred Trial Palace Ground; followed the nine monkeys; got separated during the fight; accidentally stumbled on an ancestor-level inheritance; and took a renowned alchemist as a master. She didn't know how much they believed. But then, she relayed her plans to enter the Cloud Pill Sect.

Much to her surprise, her request was met with a resounding NO. Even after he exhausted all her efforts acting all cutesy and moistening her doe-like eyes. No one in the clan sided with her. Finally, they settled on a ridiculous deal--if Rinley was promoted to a Grade 1 alchemist in two years, she would be permitted to go.

Everyone in the clan thought it was impossible. A ten-year-old Grade 1 Alchemist? What concept is that? At that age, most are still Alchemy Apprentices.

Lo and behold, just a year later Rinley became a Grade 1 Primary Alchemist. Actually, if she didn't have to assimilate with the Yin Flame, she could become an Intermediate Alchemist then and there.

Becoming an alchemist requires control over the fire element or any kind of fire as well as a strong soul. That's why even with low cultivation, Rinley's past self was able to become a Grade 3 Alchemist.

Meanwhile, Rinley also spent time on cultivating her physique and the Ice Secret Arts Manual. If she completely assimilates with the Yin Flame, she would reach the top level of the Ice Secret Arts, thus she could step into the immortal realm. However, it looks like Rinley has reached a difficult bottleneck.

Back to the present, Rinley made her way to the Yan Clan practice grounds to have Baihu test the effects of her new pill.

She saw three of the nine monkey's in the area meant for the main branch. The first monkey was having a friendly spar with the second monkey. Meanwhile, the sixth monkey was practicing some sword moves on his own.

"Set your eyes on those two first." Rinley commanded pointing at the two dueling monkeys. She can't help but feel excited. If the pill works there would be no martial arts under the heavens she would have to fear. Even if she cannot make them her own. At the very least, she would have an advantage by reading her opponents moves.

Baihu headed her instructions and concentrated his eyes on each monkey. In about thirty seconds, he felt some heat on his eyes... and suddenly. lines of text appeared on the corner of his right eye.

First Monkey: [Level up, level up... stronger stronger]

Second Monkey: [What should I eat for dinner? Beef or Lamb? The pheasant meat mother cooked yesterday was very delicious.]

Sixth Monkey: [Rinley's cheeks are so soft. I wonder when I can touch it again.]

So much for reading martial arts movements.

However, before Baihu can relay his findings, an inconspicuous sound was heard from Rinley's directions followed by a foul smell.


Baihu disappeared like a lightning flash from Rinley's arms. At the same time, three pairs of puzzled eyes turned to Rinley.

"It wasn't me!!!" Rinley roared marching out of the place contemplating if she should have stewed tiger for dinner.