Entering the Cloud Pill Sect

Rinley looked at the majestic entrance of the Cloud Pill Sect and the countless youngsters milling about busily, hoping to be part of the largest sect which focuses on alchemy. Most of them are about 14-16 years old, coming from different realms of the Shengda Si Mainworld.

Nothing much has changed from what she remembered...

Because it was the last day of the entrance test, there are a lot of people trying their luck. However, it would take at least a week for the test passers to be announced and another week for the newly-admitted disciples to settle inside the sect.

Rinley ignored the long, unending lines and directly went to the separate special gate with a group buff servants-slash-bodyguards.

She immediately became the center of attention, but nobody dared to bar her way. Just a look from the musclemen surrounding and the non-combatant, weak-bodied alchemist felt their legs turn to jelly.

As a special enrollment student, Rinley can go inside the sect earlier. She is also given her own courtyard in the sect and can bring nine servants with her. Rinley's entourage, which would take care of her needs inside the sect was consist of her Aunt Rose, a teenage maid named Clara and eight scary-looking men.

Rinley can't help but lift her chin higher. ╭(╯^╰)╮

Everyone within a ten-kilometer radius quieted down. Their eyes gathered to the unusual group of a little doll in all pink, a woman and a girl in matching black and white maid outfits, and eight armor-clad men. One of them was even lifting a cute pink umbrella above Rinley's head with a ferocious look on his face. The visual irony was quite funny.

But if the people heard what's going around the head of these scary guards, their fear will instantly melt away.

Meanwhile, Baihu in Rinley's sleeve was still feeling out of sorts. Till the last minute before they departed, Rinley has been dedicating all her time to experiments. There was not a day that he, the unlucky test subject, felt well. When Rinley announced that they would be departing for the Cloud Pill Sect, Baihu had the urge to cry.

Rinley flashed her invitation card and an elder enthusiastically welcomed her inside.

As soon a Rinley entered, the people went abuzz on discussions about her.

"Who is that small kid? How can she enter?"

"Kyahh! What small child? That's our Origin Elemental Realm's Princess!

The number one cultivating genius! She is probably a special enrollment student!"

"My gosh! I can't believe I can see my goddess here. See this? This is my limited edition Rinley keychain doll!"

"Get lost! So what if she's a cultivation genius. That has nothing to do with her refining skills. I bet she got her special enrollment status due to the backing of her clan."

The argument slowly escalated until both sides decided on a duel.

Meanwhile, Rinley, has no idea that just entering the sect has made her gain a group of fans and anti-fans.