Entering the Cloud Pill Sect (3)

The inner sect head elder who received Rinley and her group had a fawning smile on his face. He fought tooth and nail with the other elders to have a chance to meet Rinley.

Who wouldn't? This little girl is said to be more talented than the previous Alchemy Emperor. Given time, she would surely surpass him in the future. He is not the most talented elder in the Sect and the chance of getting her to be his disciple is slim but he should still leave a favorable impression.

"This is your identification tablet, you can use it to store your contribution points and access the sect's facilities." Elder Chen explained with a smile on his face.

He proceeded to explain about the Sect rules while leading Rinley and her entourage to the most important facilities in the Sect including the Herb Hall, Lecture Hall, Mission Hall, the Sect Library, and more.

As Rinley took in all the familiar sceneries, she closed her eyes for a moment and breathed the familiar air.

The last they visited was a large seven-tower Pagoda circled by seven stone steles.

"This is called the testing tower. It has seven levels. The higher the level, the higher the difficulty. Passing a level increases the disciple's privileges and those who successfully pass all seven levels can apply for graduation. However, those who stay on the same level for five years would be kicked out of the sect. Do you see those stone steles? The higher ranking students get to leave their personal alchemist mark in there...." the Elder narrated animatedly.

All the people lined-up behind him looked simultaneously on the stones steles. However, Rinley's face noticeably turned red.

On the highest place on the stone steles is a deformed swirl-like shape that looks like a dancing salted worm about to breath it's last.

Of course, that is Rinley's previous mark. Well, genius Rinley has a weakness. Her handwriting is very bad that it is unrecognizable. Asking her to draw? That's even worse.

"That mysterious mark on the top was left by the apprentice of the Alchemy Emperor. Sigh... He was also a genius but his body is problematic. Nobody knows where he is now or if he followed the Alchemy Emperor to explore outside the mainworld. Tha--"

"Elder!" Rinley can't take it anymore and interrupted. "Can I take the first level of the test now?"

Really this Elder is a chatterbox. Rinley thought to herself. Anyway, since they are already in front of the Pagoda, she will go on with the test. She wanted to increase her quota of medicinal herbs as soon as possible.

"Of course, you can." The Elder said excitedly. He heard many things about Rinley from the elders who went to the Yan clan but he also wanted to see it for himself. How much of a genius is this kid who they say even exceeds the Alchemy Emperor in terms of talent?

It looks like the stone stele's records are gonna be rewritten today--and he is gonna witness it.