I, Am Archangel Barachiel, but you can call me Barry; And no, I am not the fastest man alive, although I am one of the strongest there is; Well, that would be within human standards anyway. Now you might ask, how did all these things went haywire and I end up existing within these worlds humanity?
In truth, I am just an ordinary deity, nothing much is happening around me. I am someone assigned by the Almighty One to look over the Earth for the meantime, he's getting quite busy lately with all the multiverses and stuff, so technically, this makes me the current god of this world, I guess?
Although I perpetually exist within the planes, I do find things that pique my interest every now and then, for example, Chinese food. Although I do not hunger, it isn't bad to 'taste' something different every now and then. Lately, though, I have grown fond of listening to K-pop, yup, you heard it right, K-pop.
Hmm, it would seem that my current favorite within these little singing and dancing humans would be the group called Twice. It makes me appreciate the beauty that the Almighty One had pondered properly to create. Although I mixed my K-pop preference every now and then, depends on my nonexistent mood… Well technically, I still do have one? I am still pondering on how my emotions work; it's taking me an eternity to figure out.
Ah, wait… I went quite off from the main topic, right, right. I was about to tell you how I ended up here. Here is the story of how I became the Divine Manager of Twice!
It had just been an ordinary heavenly day within the divine realm. I'm just within my own sacred sanctuary a.k.a. my room. Peeking through my divine eye I spectated within the happenings of the world.
"Ah, such beauty." I am a divine being surrounded by other divine beings, yet, nothing had ever captured my heart's attention except these human girls that do this cutesy stuff. It swells up some unknown feeling within me that I never knew I have in the first place; It was weird, yet, it was satisfying.
I do not know what to do but to keep watch on them, well, it was my duty "to look out for humanity" in the first place so there's no harm in me doing all this, right? If something were to happen to these precious girls, humanity would also mourn. What kind of god am I if I let my people be burdened with such sadness? Every day, I would repeat my usual ritual of listening to their catchy music and watching their adorable videos, slowly learning who they really are as the Almighty One's creation.
It had been quite some time now that I have repeated the same routine all over again. I am used to experiencing perpetual things, I am immortal and undying, after all. Yet I couldn't grasp the fact that I am not doing anything to realize the "goal" I had in mind.
I had to appeal to the Almighty One for one simple request, to co-exist with these humans, and to at least interact with them… Just this one instance.
"I will take half your wing in exchange." The voice of the Almighty One echoed through my ear as I cleared up the confusion that built up in my illusory brain. "Half of my wings? But that would mean…" I couldn't mutter the words because I am a bit doubtful of the meaning behind the exchange. "Yup, what you are thinking is right. You can't fly back in here if you have half your wings, which means… No returning back in here!"
"… Wait, what?!? Deal?" Ah, I think I broke the Almighty One for a while there. His face was as confused as ever. And yes, I said deal immediately, as to why I did so? Heck, this place is boring as hell, literally! It's just a lot colder in here and there's "freedom", aside from that, it was akin to torture, the deathly silence of the beings in here. No point in thinking the deal wasn't a great deal, after all, this is what I want in the first place.
"… Fine, do as you please. Although you don't get to play that much of a god in there, okay? I'll strike you down if you do. I am not joking."
And just like that, I got the permission to descend from the heavens. It marked the start of my glorious adventure! Although within my arrival, I came to a very important realization.
"How am I gonna survive this again? Damn, I should have planned this ahead of time!" Bringing nothing but a single set of human clothes, courtesy of the "generous" Almighty One, this poor me have nothing… nothing but half a wing that was still dripping divine blood with zero cash on the pockets of this poorly sewed pants.
"Welp, this isn't a great start huh…"