We will meet soon

"What do you expect me to say? Why did you go there in the first place, without giving a prior information!"He tried to control himself but ended up shouting at her. He couldn't even imagine what might have happened if he didn't reach on time. Elena tried to compose herself, to speak. But her voice got stuck in her throat. The scene from a race kept rewinding in her brain. It was just on the spur of the moment, he would have injured badly or something worse.

"Why didn't you lift the calls?

What were you doing alone at the beach?"He asked gently, suppressing his anger.

She didn't know what to say. She couldn't tell him that she is mad at him for risking his life and her world was about to shatter once again.

"I..uh...I .."She didn't speak further. She couldn't come up with any excuse. He was looking at her, expectantly.

"I don't like parties so, uhh..I...I just went there to catch up some fresh air"She blurred, hoping that he would believe her.

"You should have asked me, I would have accompanied you..then..this...thing.."He didn't complete his sentence and turned on the engine.

Both didn't utter any word throughout the whole journey. After about 45 min., they reached the home. When Elena was about to get down, she heard his deep and s**y voice."Good Night".

She nodded and replied gently "Good night, See you at the college tomorrow."

Soon Elena reached her room and after changing into a nightgown,she crawled into her bed, cuddling with her teddy, she fell into deep slumber.

At midnight,someone entered Elena's room through her window. The person walked to her bed and stood right beside her.

Arching to her ear, he whispered, with a mischievous grin"We will meet soon".

He then straightened himself and left the room. Elena woke up, as soon as, her alarm went off. Soon she got fresh and dressed in a pair of jeans and crocheted, off the shoulder, white cropped top. She left her room, to check upon her siblings.

"Devlin! Did you get ready?"She asked knocking on his door.

When she didn't get any response, she opened the door to look for him. There,Devlin is still asleep.

She took the jug full of water, which is placed beside his bed and emptied it on him. Devlin jerked and woke up from his slumber.

"Get down within 10 min," she said and left to look at her sister. When she is out of his room, she heard him curse, smiling, she walked to her sister room.

"Nina!" she called out, knocking at her door.

"Done !! will be out in 15 min." she heard her. But Nina probably woke up, just by hearing her sister's voice. Elena smiled knowingly and walked to the hall, to look at her mom.

Her mom is done with breakfast and is on a call with someone. When Elena reached her mom, She gestured for Elena to have the breakfast. Soon Elena is done with her breakfast. Nina and Devlin walked down and had their breakfast.

"mamma!I am leaving "Elena said, kissing her mom's cheek, who is still on a call.

"Be safe "Her mom, replied smiling.

Moments later Elena got in her car and drove off to her College. Devlin and Nina drove in another car, as Elena doesn't accompany them in public. Elena reached the college and parked her car, soon Devlin and Nina reached and parked beside her. Elena walked to her locker and placed her belongings in it. When she turned around to leave for her class, she bumped into a person. The person caught her before she could fell to the ground. Elena looked up at the person and her breathing got struck. The person is ripped and stunning, looking charismatic. The person smirked at her, as she stared at him.

"I am sorry," She said, flush creeping her neck.

"Its okay, you can stare at me all the day, I don't mind,"the guy said cockily.

Elena looked confused by his statement and when she realized, what he meant, she got annoyed. She thought he is handsome but not as handsome as her sweetheart.

"I am sorry for bumping into you," She said and when she was about to leave, She saw Murat standing at his locker, few feet away, staring at her. He looked vexed and he had a dangerous look in his eyes.

"He didn't forgive me I guess,"She thought looking at Murat and walked to him, forgetting the other guy beside her.

"By the way I am Edwin,"He said, aloud, so that she can hear him. Elena nodded turning to the guy and walked to Murat.

"Hey! You look annoyed, did something happen?"She asked in her soft tender voice.

"Just headache," He said smiling gently.

Elena doesn't want to pester him further, so she just nodded.

"You go to the class, I will be on my way," He said, and looked the guy, who is still standing in the same place.

When Elena left, Murat walked to Edwin.

"Long time no see,"Edwin said with a cocky grin plastered on his face.

"Don't mess with her!"Murat warned him.

"You don't have a say in what I do," Edwin said radiating his hatred.

"Then deal with me !"Murat said gritting his teeth.

"By the way, Elena is way too irresistible. Now that I understand why you..."Before he could complete his sentence, Murat punched him straight at his face and left.