A Mortal or a Deity?

*cracking of bones*

"Ahhhhhhhh!" screamed a girl after someone helped her as she stretched her back. She was doing the forwards fold but it would seem that her month of rest has hindered her flexibility.

The man noticed that there was some strain to her stretching so he agreed to help her out a bit by pushing her, to add some pressure on her back. Light enough to not hurt, but strong enough for her to feel the stretch. He lightly commented, "It would seem that the Lord has finally chosen to assimilate your soul into this mortal shell"

The man wore a lab coat, he looked at the girl in front of him. His face was grim as his index finger and middle finger tapped the girl's back twice before letting the pressure on his hand lighten as he loosened his hold on her back.

The girl, in a biological sense, was not related to the doctor. She was one of the villagers near this clinic, a regular patient per say. Her parents always believed she was sickly, they never knew that their daughter was relatively healthy.

The little girl continued stretching her body. The girl was 9 years old. She had violet eyes, her hair - always raven-like since the day she breathed in life, chubby cheeks that the adults are so tempted to squeeze, and cherry plump lips. She was charming, a very charming child. It's just that she has this dangerous glint in her eyes, and her body had quite the hidden built. The girl's body adapted in a cruel discipline and strict training. She hid her whole upper body with her long sleeved sweater, while her jogging pants hid her lower body. She was considered lean and athletic, but her strength was remarkable for such a small frame.

They were in a small clinic at the foot of a mountain. The little girl was a frequent patient here and she really liked this place. It was a quiet and clean place.


Before, there was a time she was required by the doctor to stay in the clinic for a few days because her so called illness had flared up. She was quite happy to come, because any child would love the terrain here. The place gave children ample amount to explore and play till their curiosity was filled to the brim. Most of the time when she was younger her parents would also stay with her at the clinic.

But as she grew older, they sometimes left her there alone. It all happened during the time when she was six years old, the doctor talked to her parents and deemed that their child had a talent for medicine. He asked her parents if they were willing to let him become her master. The parents, taking it as an opportunity for their child, accepted. So, her visits to her master became the norm.

The doctor, acting like he was helping a patient, allowed her to do some trekking with her parents. He deemed it as good for her just as long as they stayed within the hundred thousand mile radius of the hospital. There were still sign posts in the hundred thousand radius mark that the doctor had specifically placed for his patients and their relatives who went to his clinic who would sometimes wander here so that they would not get lost.

The doctor, understanding children's curiousity, opted to give her the choice to play, to rest, to explore the mountain. The doctor also made sure that she had time to help him plant herbs or refine them, being his disciple and all. He was quite accommodating to all his patients' needs and made sure to not let them feel boredom because he believed that it may alleviate their sickness. This seriousness greatly appeased the girl's parent into trusting him.

This place became important for the family of three, especially for the girl, for it held memories of her stay here. To meditate was one of her favorite activities, for the wind here was cool and serene which helped her clear her thoughts. She meditated like one-third of her stay here because her family was a middle class family, even though it was not as rich as an aristocratic family, she still had to abide by the rigorous training meant for a young heiress. Her father had her as his only heir, he was proud of this daughter regardless of his preconceived frailty of her, he felt that she will bring great fortune someday.

However, her being a lively young girl, there were times when every fiber of her screamed 'No more of this etiquette and discipline! Adventure!' She acted like a vagabond wondering from one part of the mountain to another.

She would even put on the role of a dangerous predator in her mountainous territory. After all, being required to stay safe and free from illnesses was tiring, especially when a youth like her had such vigor.

So, her visits resulted in such displays of discipline in front of her master ----- with a hint of shenanigans when she roamed the mountain. She was quite adept in her conquest of this mountain.

The little girl even got the doctor's permission to venture outside the hundred thousand mile mark. You could say that the doctor allowing her to take such risks was because he trusted this girl well, for he knew her more so than her parents, his experiences of catching her in her triumphant pursuits were the best explanations.

He once caught her taming a bengal tiger. His eyes twitched at the sight. "You sure know how to have fun? You do know your body is that of a kid, you're easy pray for that kitty of yours." he said in a somewhat exasperated manner, the way he talked showed that he was tired of watching over this kid who had no notions of danger.

She smiled at him and replied with enthusiasm, "You're quite right, she is a kitty. But you know, this kitty knows who's the alpha between the two of us." There was this domineering and imposing aura as she said this while patting her kitty. The tiger growled weakly, as if to show its submission. The doctor sighed in defeat and proceeded to go back to his work, totally ignoring this so called disciple. He would even think at times that he took in a fake disciple, yes, fake disciple suited her best.

Another peculiar incident was when a traveller was caught in her trap as she tried to catch some game to show respect for her master. The trap she placed was highly intricate causing any game who falls into the trap immobile, less she freed them. But the knotwork she used was quite tricky for it caused the rope to tear into the prey's skin if it tried to escape and if it does not struggle, it would just be stuck. The injury could be light or disastrous depending on the intensity of its struggle. When she saw that the game she caught was human, she was shocked (at least her face was. She was actually pissed thinking, 'A human with the brain of an animal. Can't even recognize a trap? What has this world become?' Without any hint of sarcasm, she apologized to the traveller and brought him to her master.

The doctor remarked as a vein started to throb on his forehead, "I was wondering what game you would bring." He sighed and helped put some bandages on the somewhat deep scratches the stranger received after he was caught by her trap.

The doctor couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment, he seemed to have recalled that his once obedient disciple who cared for him with the innocence of a child was becoming more and more of a hooligan. 'Really, a fake disciple! Give me back my real disciple!!' he thought to himself. He regretted showing her were he hid those ropes. He even started cursing the one who created those ropes. 'Who freaking makes ropes for this purpose??'

~Back to the present~

The two were currently at the doctor's private area in the clinic. Let's go back to this doctor whose demeanor is magnanimous but his face, that face of his was utterly wasted in this profession! He had a face that could make the birds in the sky fall. Poor birds. His eyes were the color of luminous bright-grey. His lashes were more pronounced than a woman's. His lips were of pinkish color and the texture was that of a dame. His jaw line was just right for androginiety. It was truly an unfair sight. One was a beauty everlasting while the other reeked of infant mortality.

"Tsk, it's not yet time. I'm not yet one of the appointed queens." Her body shivered in disgust as she quipped back. She slowly raised her body from the pose she was currently in, a glint of seriousness flashed in her eyes, the kind that could only leak out from someone who has committed numerous atrocious acts. Fun fact: This girl was already a woman who has lived for thousands of years. She was a deity living inside a mortal shell.

This deity had a peculiar habit. When a mortal dies, she would replace them. She would have a body that looks just like theirs. She would then take over their life while the family was completely clueless of the death of their loved one.

~example of her taking over a mortal's body~

The real owner of the little girl's body, the one we've been talking about since you read this chapter, had already died when she was three years old. She fell into a lake and drowned, how you ask? Well, her efforts of surviving has further alleviated the situation, thus she become entangled to the seaweeds. Pitiful, right? Yet here's when that deity comes in, while the body of the girl lay submerged in the lake, this very same deity swam to the spot where the little girl was entangled.

At the time when the little girl saw this deity, she immediately noticed that she was holding the hand of a child with her right hand. The real little girl looked towards the child. 'A sleeping child while underwater??' she thought, but upon closer inspection of the sleeping child she was bewildered for it looked like her. Astonishment took over her that she forgot she was panicking.

Unbeknownst to her, the deity had already relieved her of the water pressure and the drowning state she was currently in. Mortals know when they are facing deities, this child was the same for the aura of deities were quite bewitching. Malevolent even, making one wish to adore and fear the said beings.

The deity moved towards the child as the seaweed which entangled her slowly released her. She then relieved the child's suffering as she let her pass away gently without the pain of death as she placed the child's forehead unto her own forehead while caressing the little girl's right cheek lightly with her left hand. The child blinked gently, she felt sleepy and safe as she was caressed by the deity.

Death crept up on her in the form of dreamlike imagery, she kept rubbing her head unto deity for it felt quite cozy and safe. The last thing the child did before she died was to smile, a smile that showed how peaceful she currently felt while accepting this strange turn of event.

The deity did not try to save her for it was her fate to die that day, had she saved the girl, her illness would have flared up to a consequential degree and her current life would have become a living hell. Living longer, but barely living at all.

She slowly released the little child, the seaweed, as if alive, caught hold of the child's body, slowly pulling her down to the bottom of the lake. Suddenly, the sands and shingles slowly made way, as if to let this mortal body become one once again with nature. The body entered the lake bottom as if it was being absorbed, it become part of the lives that have embarked in the circle of life.

The deity then went inside of the child in her hand. Now, being a mortal child, the intense water pressure at the bottom of the lake attacked the deity. The deity felt the pressure reach her diaphragm in a forceful way. She calmly let her body float while feeling dizzy. When her back finally reached the the surface, she could no longer keep her consciousness intact. The water which already accumulated in her body started to grow in quantity and bubbles came out of her nose and mouth in larger sizes. There was no struggle.

~At the shore of the lake~

The child's mother and father were extremely shocked with how their daughter accidentally fell. After regaining some sense in himself, the father jumped into the lake. The mother was woken up by her husband's sudden action, she then went near the edge of the boat as she shouted, "Stop the boat!" this command was for the person maneuvering their boat. She tried her best to calm herself, waiting patiently till his husband appeared on the surface of the lake.

A boat was near theirs and it traversed towards them after the mother's shout. This boat had been traversing the lake earlier than the family of three. There was a young man on this boat with one servant maneuvering his boat. "What has happened here?" The man asked the mother of the child.

"My child accidentally tumbled down into the water." she said absentmindedly.

The young man appeared to be shocked but after a while he regained a calm and rational mindset, he then offered, "I'm a doctor. If the child is found and if it is necessary, I would like to offer my help."

The woman's eyes constricted, she felt hesitant and hopeful as her words were spoken slowly, "Please do,.... we are from an average family..... but we still have the means to pay you... if you do save our daughter's life....."

The doctor nodded.

Suddenly, the man that jumped, rose from the lake's surface. Seeing that her daughter was not in her husband's arms, the woman trembled. She whispered, "Where is she...?" Her husband shook his head, affirming that he could not find the child. The tears she had been trying to hold back became uncontrollable after she became aware of the dire straits they were in. Her tears then slowly cascaded her cheeks.

Suddenly, the doctor shouted and pointed at the edge of their boat, "There!"

Both the husband and wife looked at the direction he was pointing at. The husband immediately swam in that direction, when he caught sight of his daughter. Upon reacher her, he tried to see if she was still conscious or for any signs of life, but the eyes of the child were tightly shut as if she would never wake up.

"Stop wasting time! Bring her to me! I'm a doctor!" The doctor shouted with urgency.

The father's panic was immediately put to a halt with the doctor's words. He knew time was of the essence so he swam quickly towards the doctor's boat and as he reached the doctor's boat, he immediately raised his daughter up to the doctor.

The doctor carried the child into his boat and placed her on her back at a flat surface. He positioned himself at her left side. The father got on to the doctor's boat as he watched for any clear signs that his daughter would wake up. The mother watched from afar, she prayed for her daughter's safety. The atmosphere was tense.

The doctor used his right hand to gently tilt the girl's forehead while his left hand pinched her chin to open her mouth. He then placed his right ear near the middle of the girl's nose and mouth. 'No breathing...' he though to himself.

Next, he placed his index finger and middle finger on the right side of her neck looking for the carotid artery. He felt a very weak pulse, "She fainted about 5-8 minutes ago. Please keep quiet, she is in danger because her body is still young, she swallowed a lot of water. Trust in me, I'll save her." he said mechanically as he looked at his patient in all seriousness.

His right hand still kept her small head tilted in just the right angle while he placed the heel of his left hand on the breastbone of the girl.

He then compressed his left hand unto the child's chest about one-third deep for 30 times. He did it quickly and with just the right amount of pressure that the child's body could take. The father could hear the soft whispered counts of the doctor. Each count reflected the anxiety crawling on both husband and wife as a minute slithered away.

Afterwards, he again lifted her chin with his left hand while his right hand remained on her forehead. Again, he placed his right ear near the middle of the girl's nose and mouth. 'Still no breathing...' he closed his eyes deeply as he inhaled deeply.

He placed his fingers on her delicate looking nose and kept her mouth open as his left hand made sure that her chin was held firmly in place to keep the breathing track clear as he placed his cold lips unto the little girl's small one. He pinched her nose again but this time he did it not to get a grip of her nose but to thoroughly close it, so no air could come out. He then blowed two deep breaths into the girl.

The father saw how the child's chest rose as the doctor blew in some air into his daughter. He clenched his fist. Still there were no signs of her waking up any time soon. The doctor then continued another set of compressions on the girl's chest and breathed into her again. The mother could not look away as she saw the paleness of her daughter's face.

After three minutes passed by like years, some of the fingers of the girl moved and finally the girl coughed. She coughed and coughed water out as the doctor rubbed her back, her cheeks started to have a hint of rosy color. After her coughing fit, the doctor carefully placed her in a position which was very comfortable. She then opened her eyes weakly as she breathed in a feeble manner that her breathing even had whistled sounds coming out. The doctor signaled to the child's father. He instantly appeared before his daughter, when she opened her eyes again, "Hey," he whispered to the little girl and continued, "You scared us back there." There was this coldness to his hand as he held the girl's hand. The girl tightly held unto her father's hand. Her weak eyes slowly drifting as if wanting to sleep. He then slowly let go of the child's hand, faced the doctor and whispered weakly, "Thank you, doctor. Thank you..."

The doctor smiled weakly, patted the man's shoulder and replied, "Let me take over, she still needs assistance." The father moved at his words. He finally slumped at a side as all the muscles and nerves in his body relaxed while he watched the doctor take care of his daughter. His only baby. Tears slowly crept down his cheeks. Their daughter was only conceived after five years of trying and waiting. He already gave up hope of ever having any children, and on the fifth year, unexpectedly this child was suddenly conceived by her wife. When they heard news of her pregnancy, he was the happiest man alive. Regardless of gender, the father was quite glad for when the husband and wife were on the verge of giving up the notion of having any children, his little angel came to being.

The husband and wife finally felt a bit of relief. They thought they almost lost their only child. The woman suddenly fell downwards, butt-first, hitting the boat hard that it shook. The man maneuvering the boat was shocked that he immediately went towards her and asked whether she was fine or not. Her lips trembled as her tears rushed down her cheeks. She looked at the man that was beside her and she shooked her head. She breathed in and out... she breathed in deeply again... she then sighed. She then looked towards her husband, her husband also had tears on his eyes which flowed down his handsome face. His husband felt her stare. When their eyes met, they couldn't help but smile weakly at each other. The wife nodded at her husband.

~Back to the present for the second time around~

She just had a scene play out earlier on. She acted like she died in front of her mother. A purplish bruise could be seen on her forehead, it seemed like she hit her head very, very hard. She was immediately sent to the only doctor in their village because the other doctors at the scene of the incident could not help her. The doctor already knew she was acting. He played along. He was also a deity, but unlike the girl, he did not hide it. He just shape-shifted. They already decided that he will tell the parents that the little girl died because of the accident.

He made a molded mortal shell that looked like the little girl and gave it to the parents. They were in a state of shock, they thought the bruise was only minor. Bitterness and sorrow could be seen in their eyes. If they had known this would cause their daughter's death. They would've taken better care of her and would have been more careful, even more careful than they already were. Sadly, the parents would never know that their real daughter already died six years ago.

They doctor suddenly asked if he could take the woman's pulse, the husband and wife looked at one another before the both of them looked towards the doctor. The woman then looked towards her husband again, she saw him nod at her. She then looked at the doctor and nodded. She was still grieving her daughter's loss. When the doctor took her pulse, he blinked before he coughed and said in his cold, mechanical voice, "Congratulations, you are pregnant."

The doctor's words shocked both husband and wife. They cried all the more. "Why?" the wife whispered, she continued, "Why couldn't we keep both of them?" Her husband then hugged her, no words could came out as the successive events happened so rapidly without giving them a time to breathe.

The doctor however reprimanded the woman, "I understand your loss. However, you must stop crying so much, it would be bad for the baby. Must you lose two children to know the immensity of heaven and earth?"

The woman tried to calm herself. She lightly touched her stomach as if to remind herself of the child within her. She then saw her husband's left hand caress her stomach as well. Both of them had tears on their eyes, continuously flowing. The woman placed her head on her husband's right shoulder. The heavy weight of the burden they carried could be seen in their eyes. The doctor left them with some space. He went into his private room.

"Your temporary parents are grieving outside." He said coldly as he looked at the girl.

The little girl started taking off her clothes, but if one looked at her more intently they would've noticed that her ears had become very red and her face no longer had its normal complexion. The deity in the girl seemed mortal with human emotions. Tears fell on her rosy cheeks.

Deities had peculiar functions. It just depends whether it was time for them to show themselves to mortals in a deus ex machina style as orchestrated by the Lord Ikal and Lady Iroko. Sometimes they were assigned to bring plague or fertility to the land, hunt down occultist of deities who were enemies of the Lady and the Lord, were designated at a certain place where they are to stay for a few millenias, or if their time as a deity was up.

They say those deities whose time was 'up' were punished to become mortals. But in the history of deities, a large population grew bored with their undying bodies that they pleaded the Lord and the Lady to turn them into mortals. Some grew attached with the mortals whom they have lived with, they could no longer endure death taking away their friends or their worshippers. While there were a select few who chose to antagonize the Lord and the Lady, choosing to rebel against them, somehow these rebels soon disappeared from the face of the Earth. There were some who say that they became mortals. Only the Lady and the Lord knows.

Humans never found out that some deities we're destined to become mortals. But the deities never spread this information since many mortals were evil. Deities knew that mortals, a lot of them, hated them for their functions. They thought deities were out to punish them. So, if knowledge went out that they could become finite beings permanently, these sorry creatures might hunt down deities turned mortal and that would be a horrifying sight.

Another point of intrigue is that the last orders from the Lady and the Lord had been so many hundred years ago. It was as if they never existed. The mortals have even taken - their temples - as historical sacred grounds that their ancestors have once worshipped at.

"You have to be careful, Lucy has been on a manhunt. He's been trying to catch Micaheil's sister" the doctor said sarcastically, but the little girl looked at him while he said this. The words was thrown in a sarcastic manner, yet his eyes, his eyes void of life showed extreme caution. It was like staring at gloomy clouds.

The girl breathed in deeply before releasing a sigh. Rolling her eyes, she spoke lazily, "Egon, I've been on the run for a thousand millenia already. I have no intention of getting caught up with that crazy lunatic. I haven't forgiven him. If it weren't for him, I'd be lazing around at heaven's court." She then slowly pulled at her skin with a force so strong the sound of skin being teared could be heard. It could be seen that she continuously pulled at the skin of her stomach. Her icy eyes showed no signs of pain.

Blood flowed out, each tear was disgusting to the sight, a girl of 9 years old, pulling her skin so mercilessly. Her nails were dyed with the gush of ravenous red. The stench of metal and blood pervaded the nostrils of the man. The man seemed to care less, this was how she always did things. He spoke emotionlessly, "Clean my floor after, okay?" As he said this, he sat on a chair and read the papers in front of him, no longer giving any attention to the girl.

Her blood made a puddle of the perfectly clean floor. Continuously tearing until muscles were also clutched and torn. Suddenly, the body of the girl stood still, motionless. Slowly, a finger emerged from the girls stomach making sounds of innards being crushed, a pair of hands appeared at the middle of her stomach and started to push outwards while an intestine fell to the floor as this otherworldly body came out of the little girl. The hands used such force to pull its body out of the girl's stomach that the little girl's whole body made sounds of crushing muscles and cracking bones.

The hole on the girl's stomach began to show a figure and the sight was dazzling to behold. A naked woman could be seen, her foot entangled with another line of intestine that slowly detached itself and fell to the ground next to the small intestine. As she stepped on the floor, the sight of her body was soft and smooth, it made one want to touch, squeeze, or even bite into this luscious lump of flesh. Her body was clean, even though it came out of the little girl.

The girl's body, now lifeless fell face down, one could hear a crack from this fall, probably from the skull. Her eyes, a void, without a soul, blood continuously gushing. The naked woman slowly drew near the shell of the girl, a reddish yellow fire emerged from her index finger, as she squatted, she made a gunlike gesture with her hands.

She aimed.

And as if pulling the trigger, her hands made a recoil-ish action, the fire though small went to the girl. It seemed harmless. But when it touched the girl's bloody body, it's color became an azure flame, such a color reminded one of newly formed stars, an intensity like no other. No smoke emerged from this flame. It engulfed the girl, it trailed even on the blood and intestines on the floor. A few seconds later, nothing was left, not even the stench that reeked just a while ago. The floor was spotless.

The man's beauty was nothing compared to the sight of this woman. It was as if she was the mother, the source of all of Avarice's beauty. It was said that Avarice was likened to Themiskyra, a land which produced female warriors limitlessly. Their beauty was only one of their endless qualities, they had their intellect and power which they held in utmost pride. What use was beauty? If it could only bring one so far.

"Egon, where are the bodies I made? I need to go before they catch my scent. This body, even after all these years, it reeks of power"

When those words were spoken, Egon looked towards her. Indeed, her power has been growing in a monstrous pace. Luckily, the Lord made the shells, had he not, then no shell can hide the presence of a deity.

"Which body this time?" He tilted his head a little as he asked. Acting as if his thoughts weren't bothering him just now.

"A eunuch's body, I need to go to Dioda. They say the prince there has a lot of potential. He might be of use to me."

He stood and sweat could be clearly seen on his forehead. There was immense anger and frustration in his eyes. "Primeriza Banks, don't you dare! You're meddling with the mortals again." Egon shouted, he then massaged his forehead.

Prime was quite aware as to why his reaction was quite intense but she just shrugged her shoulders. "I just informed you."

That answer, that lack of interest, this personality... ever since she learnt to be so capricious and mischievous, Egon has been quite distraught, his little sister wasn't always like this, she gained such an attitude from that person.

Prime, on the other hand, maintained her thinking of the truth with how deities could never die unless the Lord turned them mortal. So, she didn't mind such apathy and recklessness.

Egon could not help but reprimand her, "Prime, Prime please! You're going to kill me and Micaheil before we even become permanent mortals."

She glared at her brother, such a gaze would send souls on the edge but her beauty completely made her pair of obsidian hued eyes so mesmerizing, it made one feel fear, awe, and the incapability to look away all at the same time. "I need to go."

"Why?" totally unaffected by her, the words he spoke was cold, doubt shrouded those words. He knew his sister was trying to make a stand. She hasn't been this spirited for a very long time. And as he stood to look her in the eyes, he couldn't help but look at his sister's bear body. 'There... why are there freckles on her body?' he thought to himself, 'Prime had a flawless body, no weird birthmarks, no moles, no freckles. So why are there freckles on her body now?'

"I need to create a mess out of Lucy's plan. I need to become this prince's political advisor, maybe even his tactician for war."


"The Lady and the Lord showed it to me, this prince will be used by Lucy to create endless famine and war." She sighed. "Come now, fetch a young male body for me." A mixture of emotions flashed. "A young man's healthy body, probably near the age of the prince. If I chose an older body, he would surely think I was sent by someone or I had schemes of my own. If I was at least near his age, being just slightly older, I still have the card to play ignorance or maybe even impulsiveness." She paused. Deeply contemplating the events to follow. "I have no intention of giving Lucy another pawn."

"Why must you go out and do these things? You've changed so many fates and destinies already. Let the Lady and the Lord's plan happen. Your prophetic gift is for you to read, to see. You can't just change destinies as you please. We are in hiding. I also have to enter a shell soon."

"I know brother dearest, but how could I just watch?"

"We've long been watching mortals."

"That was before... before all the decisions I made turned to regrets. We were not here then, we are not what we were then, I'm here in the present, Egon..I'm here." she whispered the last two words.

Egon shouted in exasperation, "Prime!"

There was this remarkable vulnerability displayed in her eyes as she whispered, "I have no intention of letting another person die like Gwendolyn... Lucy, he..."

That name, Prime always used that name to silence Egon and Micaheil.

Prime didn't meddle with the humans affairs before. That was before she met Gwendolyn. She was like all other deities. Detached from the mortals' pain and suffering. Until that day.