My Body but not My Body

A clear buzzing sound is the only thing that Jin could hear. His senses had betrayed him. Lucy's last attack was filled with energy that had blocked her senses. She calmed herself and closed her eyes. She breathed deeply, this millisecond was enough for Lucien to close the distance between the two of them.

The fayes were calmly watching, the way that Jin breathed reminded them of a child that once sparred with them. An anomaly of an existence.

"She, if she trained him then..." Xen pondered out loud.

"Lucy must have noticed. Trying to end it early would be for the best, even he hates her fighting style." Vex replied.

Aka was the only one who fixed her eyes on the two. There was a sudden change from her usually spirited demeanor, she then spoke in an almost yearning manner, "It's been so long. Watching him reminds me of her... I miss my apprentice. If she did teach that mortal, why have I not felt her presence during the time she taught him? Had she become mortal and had Lady Iroko and the Lord made her the next queen?"

Ra listened to all this and he could not help but ask, "What do you mean by you did not feel her presence? and who is this she?

The fayes redirected their gaze. The feeling of being stared at made Ra flustered.

Aka saw an atypical look in Ra's eyes. Being reminded of Prime through Jin's fighting style, she directly chastised Ra, "Envy is the root to endless disappointments and would cause you to become a traitor. He came to help you, do not choose the man that will bring you the bane of mortal sins."

Ra was perplexed his thoughts going back to that predicament, 'Again.. it's my heart's's this fate...'

"Sister! You know that we should not help mortals!" Xen rebuked Aka's hint.

Vex tried to change the topic, "What's your friend's name?"

Ra directly answered even in his dazed revelry, "He is a new acquaintance I've met just a while ago. He said his name is Jin."

"Jin, huh? Have the two of you noticed, this Jin, I can't read his fate. His future, it's as if it's sealed." she blurted out.

"Eh? I, I also can't see him in the plane of the present." Xen said as her forehead creased as she relented to Vex's plan.

After blinking a lot, Aka also tried seeing Jin's past. "Really? He's nothing more than a normal mor...tal..." an unexpected thought floated to Aka's mind. "He... impossible..." she looked at her sisters with a deep and meaningful look. Aka looked at Ra to relieve her of her impossible thought. She then calmly chatted with him completely ignoring her two sisters. "He seems to have been under the tutelage of my apprentice. So, you don't have to worry. As you can see, if you haven't noticed. The match was already his for the taking."

~what happened to Jin and Lucien while the Fayes were having their conversation with Ra~

Prime's eyes were devoid of any emotion. She became nothing. Jin's body started to become one with his surroundings. As if he wasn't a living, breathing, human being. The moment he opened his unseeing eyes, he met Lucien's fierce gaze. His movements were nimble, light, even very pleasing to the eyes but his onslaught was very lethal.

He started to stab Lucien in every tricky spot possible while his blood trickled and were even splattered unto Lucien. the last exchange was what the Fayes and Ra were able to see where Jin tried to kick Lucien's injured right waist but Lucien blocked with his scabbard. "tsk."

When Lucien felt that he completely blocked his kick, Jin then used the force used by Lucien to block his foot to help him execute a stronger roundhouse kick with a hook that was aimed at Lucien's left waist, his kick's speed made a swish sound through the air, it was more quick and stronger than the first kick hitting the spot where he stabbed his right sword at. "Aaaaagghh!" Lucien couldn't help but shout out, even though he was a deity, he could be injured by a divine weapon, the continuous barrage of attack has not helped him to recover quickly. His blood started to pour out more strongly.

But Jin's attack was also risky because it left Jin's back open to Lucien's attack. Lucien naturally saw this opening and slowly forced the seals on his body to break, his capabilities and skills became better. As if not affected by the injury at both sides of his waist, he then tried to thrust his sword at Jin's back. But Jin immediately raised both his swords above his head, his initially forward grip changed into an inverted grip, he then maneuvered Shizuka to block Shān. He then pushed both feet of the ground and directed this kick in the same direction that Lucien's sword pushed him at; with the help of the force from the sword, his stomp on the ground, and even Inertia, Jin was able to create some distance between the two of them.

The Fayes and Ra saw this exchange when Jin blocked Lucien's sword. "Still tricky even unto the disciple." Vex said as she then looked at Aka.

"Hey! That was her fighting style, not mine. But I must admit, this boy is good, Prime always loved using her enemy's attack to her advantage, to think that this mortal would use his enemies attack to increase the potential of his offensive attack, and to double the probability of her defensive stance and distance. Prime never thought of doing that, his master would certainly be proud of him."

Jin heard this and she couldn't help reply internally, 'I had an immortal body then! I don't need to use their force! Proud my butt!' Their comments irked Jin a bit making her attacks more fierce but after breaking some of the seals on his body, Lucien was fighting back Jin's attacks with more steadiness.

After fighting with Jin for almost an hour, Lucien couldn't help but notice Jin's fighting style. 'Tsk, she really!' Lucien was reminded of her while fighting with Jin. 'That little brat actually found a mortal capable of learning her fighting style!'

The moment Lucien reminisced about her, it was the moment Jin was waiting for. Suddenly, the blood from his fingers were splattered unto more intricate positions on Lucien's body. Each thrust of his sword, there was blood directed at Lucien until his body was covered with Jin's blood. But not in a barbaric kind of way. The blood on his body was planned, each blood thrown in Lucien's way started to create visible marks of incantations.

Jin suddenly whispered, "I forgot to tell you, apart from that idiot over there. I'm also a descendant of Gisela, in my veins, runs her blood." and with that, he thrust the twin swords hard at Lucien's neck.

This whisper reminded of Lucien that he should focus on the fight. However, it was too late. He was shocked at how when he blocked the twin swords, they were swung away like there wasn't any power in them, and blood was spilled on his neck. This act made the birds in Fate Mountain, and the birds near Begonia's Shroud to fly high into the air.

The Fayes and Lucien were astonished, especially the Fayes. They saw the vivid inscriptions in blood.

"Was She this well versed in incantations?" Xen asked as her eyes couldn't look away from Jin and Lucien.

"It was Micaheil who was well versed..." Vex replied, "right, sister?"

Aka felt sweat trickling down her whole body. She immediately appeared next to Ra and she grabbed hold of him, "Hey! what are you doing?" Ra struggled and questioned her.

But Aka could care less, the Fayes and Lucien, they looked at the mortal before them, Lucien was once again reminded of that traitor, Gisela, as he realized the seal and what Jin intended to do to him. "You!!"

Jin remained expressionless, as she spoke the words, "Schicksal Besiegelt, Leviathan!"

Suddenly, their whole surrounding trembled, the earth on Begonia's Shroud started to form cracks. The earth split open. A Leviathan's limbs started to stretch out from these cracks, chains also sprung from this crack which were directed at Lucien.

Luckily Ra was held by Aka, or else he may have dropped into the crack of the earth directly sending him to Yomi.

"You dare use a Leviathan on me!?" Lucien shouted, he was livid, his bloodshot eyes and throbbing veins all over showed how much he wanted to kill Jin.

"I dare!" Jin said in an imposing manner, though his voice was raspy, it did not take out any of the confident bearing of what he said. "You are not a god, a mere deity. Naturally, even the Leviathan will still be more powerful than you." These cold and clear words echoed into the vast expanse. Causing the deities like the Fayes and those who were just a few hundred kilometers away to feel a deep foreboding.

The chains entangled Lucien and the Leviathan wrapped itself unto him as well. As he struggled, he shouted out, "Primeriza! Micaheil! I'll make sure to kill this disciple of yours!!!" Then, as if pulled into the earth because of the heaviness of the Leviathan, Lucien was swallowed up by the earth. Slowly, the earth trembled and moved, as it moved, it was as if it was trying to cover up what just happened with a magnitude nine earthquake.

Prime was always Prime, regardless of her body. But, she wasn't always this ruthless as to immediately send Lucien into Yomi. But her previous experiences had taught her that Lucien was not to be trusted.

Tears started to fall from her eyes. When the Fayes and Ra saw this, they couldn't help but notice that there was a sense of pitiable beauty on this heroic face. A vulnerability that was unexpected. The fayes were troubled for he gave them a sense of both pity and fear.

Aka then let go of Ra, Ra ran to Jin and asked, "Are you ok?" He immediately hugged Jin and started to comfort him. "I'm fine, it's just that my body, it has been over-exerted." 'My body, but why does it still feel like it's not MY body... naturally some things come with a price. This body, it's already breaking. What great luck to meet Lucien after assimilating with this body. Tsk.' Jin's body started to relax. As he relaxed, everything started to become hazy. Ra was shouting something that Jin couldn't hear nor see.

everything went pitch black.

~In the subliminal unconscious of Prime~

My Body? My Body?

it started having freckles...

I started to feel more emotions...

I, what's happening to me?

Lady Iroko and the Lord had long not given me any signs to understand this. They only showed me Ra's future. Sometimes, I think it's unfair. This godforsaken world... but, would the Lady and Lord allow it? No... I'm starting to... doubt...?

When I saw the death of the Real Jin, I felt an immense amount of sorrow. He wanted to serve the Monarch faithfully, even castrating himself to prove his loyalty and sincere passion for this creed. But all of it was destroyed. The curse of Gisela's lineage was only broken for the direct heirs like Ra. He was bound to be killed by Lucien's people for he had no protection whatsoever, luckily they left his body in the forest, I could still give him a proper burial before burning his body. Seeing him reminded me of my helplessness when Gwendolyn also died within arms reach, but so powerless...

Being a deity, it's not really as omnipotent as everybody thinks... Gwendolyn... Gisela... and now, this person... Will all their deaths be unjust?

When I started to burn his body, all his sorrows, his unaccomplished dreams----his soul threw them all at me. I frankly told his soul while burning his body that I am not sure as to whether I could accomplish all his aspirations, I said I would try. The soul clung to me for three days before it went to the after life.


they are very fragile.

clinging unto life even at death's doorstep...

why do they desire so many things?

is it because they have a shorter lifespan than us deities?

When Jin's soul left, this body that the Lady, the Lord, and I made was reconciled with his soul... It was my body, the body I created similar to the real Jin. But, his soul that lingered unto this body felt like...

it felt like it wasn't mine. This isn't my body...

it made me think, have I been desecrating their lives by continuing it after they died? Have I?

what have I done?

But, none of them ever felt this way...

have I been yearning to live with MY REAL BODY again?

I can't.

I won't.

Not until...

the time...

