Deadly Fever

Prime's POV: 'Hot, intensely hot...

my skin feels like it's being submerged into an oblivion of ever increasing heat? I tried to open my eyes but even with my greatest effort nothing is happening. Suddenly, out of helplessness, my tears fell to the sides of my face. It felt utterly divine like a drought land that experienced extreme summer abruptly being bathed by the gentle first rain of Autumn. However, it was only temporary, that burning sensation once again flared up, highly intense heat coursed through my whole body. Why am I feeling this? What kind of pain is this?'

~Ra's palace~

"His fever, it's continuously rising." The look on Aka's face was filled with utter worry. Her forehead wrinkled for the doctors that Ra brought were not only useless, but through their incessant request to check the patient it triggered the patient's body to have a high fever. The fever wasn't just normal fever, it was a fever where the body and the soul was in constant friction due to overuse of the body and spiritual energy which Jin's body is currently in after creating the balls of elixer and fighting one on one with Lucien, thus the body is bearing the brunt.

Ra wasn't in a very good condition too. Even though the Fayes were protecting him, the extent of Jin and Lucien's battle were not normal reverberations that the human body could withstand. He lost consciousness when they arrived in his estate.

The fayes were worried for Jin, for they were well aware of the fact that Jin might die. Thus they have constantly monitored him. The power of summoning those balls were taxing for mortals. Aka even started to wonder how she taught her disciple this without him dying. She then looked at the eunuch body of Jin. In all honesty, Jin's body would be considered above average. For a man like him, with his formidable skills and body, entering the militia would have been as easy as learning to crawl.

Vex voiced out their thoughts, "This mortal, he is very peculiar. Quite contrary to the conventions of mortals." She couldn't help raise her left brow as she gazed intently at Jin as she concluded. "He can be a prime candidate for a sovereign of state.[1]"

"You jest, he may have the capabilities but it would seem he was smart enough to resist such temptation. Mortals are well aware of their frail and sickly bodies. Or..." as her words became whispers that only the three of them could hear. One can clearly see that Xen's eyes where shining with unadulerated innocence. "She taught him of this fatal flaw, thus advising him to not be tempted by the need for power?" She looked up to the side questioningly. Xen was quite adorable when she would think. If Aka looked like a youth, Xen looked like a girl in the midst of puberty. She looked like an innocent girl, especially her face.

"I will start giving him some of my essence[2]. It may help soothe his warring body and soul." Aka said as she worriedly gazed at Jin.

Vex looked at her sister. She knew that Aka started to like Jin because of her. She marvelled at the fact that her sister's essence is one of the purest essence of all the deities. The Fayes all had this gift but they always considered it as a curse, because whenever humans found out about the pure essence they had, they would be hunted down by these very mortals who once worshipped them. And now, this sought after essence is being given out, to a eunuch at that. She sighed deeply. Yep, her sister intends to breakout in one of those kingdoms to purify herself.

She didn't mind, since most humans were fickle-minded. But what caused her to feel such intense dilemma was the fact that this eunuch was the only key to finding her. 'This eunuch...' Vex thought silently, 'He was supposed to be dead... how is he... alive?' Her brows started to frown. "Xen, what do you see in this boy?"

Xen looked at Jin intently, suddenly images flashed by her mind. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "This..."

Prime's POV: 'My eyes are closed but beyond my eyelids I can see that wherever I am, the place is bright. My bones, they feel like they're growing and breaking. What is this? This has never happened before. No mortal shell has ever been this complicated.


It's that excruciating pain again.



I have never felt the intensity of human pain before...

And yet this very experience is truly intense.

Why... why do I suddenly feel helpless?

Shoot, this, could this be a mortal's fever?

A high fever...?

But I can somewhat understand pain before, how come now the sensations are so morbidly real?

More like a degree beyond what normal humans feel...

This feels like

a deadly fever,

where hallucinations and pain run rampant...

Why do I feel like... my experiences are...

am I becoming more human?'

Jin started to groan in pain while he was unconscious. Aka was perplexed, her essence was rejected going by Jin's body. 'How could that be?' is what she asked herself. No mortal body has ever declined her essence.

Jin started to move on her bed as if trying to find the right position and as she started to doze off her body inexplicably moved into fetal position. "H-h--h-a-ha--hot... C-c-ccc-co- c- co-cold..."

The three sisters were bewildered with what Jin said. "The feeling of both extreme hot and cold sensations... while having a fever?" Vex said slowly.

Xen blinked her pretty eyes and she couldn't help but gaze at Aka. "You noticed..."

Aka stayed quiet, but her jaws suddenly became more pronounced and tightened. After feeling some strain, she relaxed her jaw and came to the realization of what she was doing and she swallowed her own saliva as if it could give comfort to her drying up throat. With a raspy voice she said, "A... dead soul... A Living... Body?" She then looked at Vex, her lips could not hide the mockery of what was before them. "Close the doors."

[1] Sovereign of State is just like the mayors of our world. But they are a bit different, becoming a sovereign of state means being capable of utterly enforcing ones hegemonic rule into a certain region of the world while fending off other sovereign of states. Yes, it is somewhat like Colonizers since that is what I am alluding to.

[2] Essence here isn't like the essence we know. For the Fayes to remain Fayes, they must keep their hearts pure and sacred. Yes, they may act like mortals, but their very core is pure. This purity if given out in the form of essence helps the growth of humans. But it also makes the purity of Fayes falter if they continuously give away their essence. They may gain back their purity, but it is at the expense of the power the world currently holds. Most mortals would never exchange their powers for the Fayes purity. This has caused great distrust in the minds and hearts of the Fayes.