Other entities

"Micaheil! Micaheil!" a teenage girl shouted. She walked leisurely inside a forest as she searched for another soul. "Hey, Micaheil, this is no longer funny." She fumed as her face reddened. She couldn't help but shake as she was annoyed to the point of feeling dizzy.

The teenager had emerald green eyes that were vivid, vibrant, and filled with confidence that children her age usually did not have. The most surprising aspect of her eyes were the inner part of her pupil which was frighteningly obsidian green in color and it created quite the contrast with the vibrant emerald tones of her outer pupil.

Her body was still growing, growing gradually, but with hints of her childish body intact. Her height was 140 centimeters. She was wearing a full black ninja outfit. She seemed to have ran for her knotted hair had some strands out of place and her hooded cowl was already taken off, plus, she was lazily walking now. Her hair was as dark as a raven's feather. She had a neutral skin tone. Her face was remarkably adorable. The way she walked was quiet for the sounds of the forest was louder than her footsteps, but her posture and demeanor showed she no longer wanted to keep her presence hidden, still...had it not been for her shouting, nobody would've noticed her for even in her unmasked laziness, the refined skills she acquired were engraved into her very bones.

"Micaheil! Big sis!!! I'm done with my warm-up!" As her last words were spoken, a thin thread suddenly shot out to her face. Her eyes widened and she immediately ran backwards as her hands created a set of web-like thread[1] weaved by her fingers. She then started to lock the thread moving towards her into the web in her fingers.

While she was busy with the thread in front of her, she did not notice that many threads that were somewhat invisible entangled themselves unto her limbs and one last string shot out from her back and locked itself on her waist.

Unaware of this sneak attack, when she finally caught the dangerous thread in front of her... she couldn't help but breath in deeply in relief, but the air she breathed in was stifled at her throat.. suddenly, all the threads that were on her limbs and waist lifted her up and slowly hang her in an upside-down position. Before she was fully hang up she immediately used the thread that she entangled into her web and made intricate weavings to ensure that that particular thread would cut all the other threads on her when it reached a certain point[2]. When her hands were seperated by the pull of the threads on her limbs, the web she made widened to the extent that the web grew bigger and bigger and when it was pulled to the furthest point a string suddenly shot out and cut all the other strings.

She somersaulted down to break the speed of her fall until she rolled softly onto the ground. She noticed that all the strings dropped by themselves when they were cut. Not even a single one returned to the owner. She took another breather as she observed her surroundings. She then closed her eyes. She tried to grasp where another presence could be felt in the forest. A thread entered her meter radius defense and before it could entangle itself on her, she caught it and started to spin the thread into her web as she ran to wherever the thread could be originating from. The thread abruptly loosened and her heart skipped a bit. When she finally caught sight of the end of the thread, it lead to nothing.

Out of frustration, she bellowed, "Micaheil!"

Out of nowhere a raspy voice whispered to her left ear, "Daring and all, but you know, you have so many openings."

Her pupils constricted as she did not feel any presence behind her. The voice startled her and she couldn't help but jump forwards and turn around with her web in position to see the owner of that voice. She saw a strikingly handsome deity. He was one of Micaheil's friend, Lucien. "You!" she whispered in disbelief.

"Your sister's attacks are too fair, how was it, the feeling of being sneak attacked and being led on?" He lazily asked as a smirk was formed on his thin but luscious lips.

She looked at the man in front of her from head to toe. He was oozing with male hormones that made her heart beat erratically. She suddenly remembered an incident when Micaheil pointed Lucien out as she gave her remark of him 'He is one of the most cunning deities, one day I'll introduce you to him. You will like him a lot' she then smiled sweetly at her sister. She realized that the essence within the thread was equal with her sister's essence but it held a different edge. "My sister told me about you but are you aware that it wasn't just me who was led along?"

Suddenly her fingers shifted and the web instantly showed outstretched webs all over the place and they had this prism like quality to them[3].

"She taught you well... as expected from the right hand of the Lord and the Lady." Lucien said as he grinned at the girl in front of him. He walked forward, the threads that he would almost touch would snap before he could even come in contact with it.

The girl was alarmed, she knew that threads could be snapped[4] but the rate, speed, and distance with which he snapped the thread with his essence was too different with what her sister had accustomedly taught her. She stood dazed, she then stared into the eyes of the man that now stood in front of her. Because of their height difference, she had to look up to meet his gaze.

"Not bad." He remarked as his right hand reached out to hold her chin. "Prime, right? You look more of my own than Micah's..." He commented with peculiarity in his eyes, he then continued as his piercing gaze met her stare, "Those eyes remind me of when I was younger. Other entities usually said it was the feature they noticed the most about me, and I couldn't help but to also take notice of my eyes when I looked at my reflection"

At first, Prime disliked his fingers on her chin, but when she heard him talk about other entities, she couldn't hide the interest in her eyes as she whispered, "Other entities? What do you mean? Are they different from us deities? Or even the animals here in this forest?"

The sparkle in her eyes as she asked one question after another made Lucien smile gently, "Such a young deity." He commented as his right hand holding her chin moved unto her head as he pat her lightly. "Your sister said I would like you a lot." He chuckled as he said that, he then said, "She's quite right."

The soft gaze from Lucien startled Prime, she couldn't help but blush and avert her gaze.

The shy demeanor of Prime seemed to not have surprised Lucien as he offered her nonchalantly, "Do you want to come with me and your sister? We were tasked to come to their land and disguise as one of those entities. They are called mortals. The Lady and the Lord told us that we need to better understand them since they will be part of creation from here on."

[1] The thread is a material entirely different from the thread we use. You could say I was inspired by the character Fuuchouin Kazuki. But his thread is different with the threads of this web. This thread is formed through a deity's essence, but this seemingly friendly thread that has the physical similarities to normal threads are entirely different. They are used, just like for spiders. The threads are used to draw out and catch enemies or intruders. But the thread absorbs the water in the air to further solidify the thread.

[2] If a deity does not view an outsider as an enemy, their thread can be used by the outsider. This is also their way of informing an outsider that they have entered another deity's territory and that the deity views them nicely. The thread will naturally have the deity's essence. This thread can be used against the other threads of the deity for deity's within their territory have the habit of testing the intruder. They allow the intruder to use their thread so that the intruder will also be aware of the gap of power between them.

[3] The web formed from the thread has the quality of tightening, loosening, or both tightening and loosening. When it tightens, the web grows smaller in scale but is more solid. When it loosens, it becomes harmless. When it both tightens and loosens, it uses the high speed frequency of tightening and loosening and absorbs the condensed air in its surrounding thereby making its thread prismic in nature. The one who holds the thread can then decide whether the water within the thread will turn into solid ice or hot steam.

[4] The threads can be snapped by an outburst of essence. Most deities would avoid snapping threads at close distance for the essence of the wielder would inflict some turmoil unto one's personal essence, regardless of strength, a pure essence is an essence which can absorb some of the essence of the deity snapping the thread. The inflicted damage would be bigger if the thread a deity would snap, held both the deity's essence and the intruder's essence.