Egon Schneider

Egon no longer tarried, he carried Prime away.

"Big Brother?"


"Will you also go with big sister?"

"Go where?"

"Go where the mortals are...?"

Egon exhaled deeply. "I'll stay with you, of course."

"Can't we come with Big Sis?"

He did not falter as Prime kept asking questions. He was waiting for her to fall asleep. But he realized that Lucien's appearance and him mentioning the mortals has naturally awakened the slumbering curiousity of these young dame.

"We can't. You are still young and mortals aren't like us."

"What are they like?"

"We call them mortals, they call us immortals."

"So, what's the difference?" her eyes twinkled as she asked.

"They call us immortals because we don't die."

"Die? What's die?"

He sighed before answering, "Just like the animals you have been studying. They at some point leave Dou. This leaving physically and spiritually is called to Die, Dying, Death or Dead. These four words are one and the same."

"You mean there are different states of Die?" She rubbed her eyes as she asked this.

"Hmmmm. You could say that. You see some deities handle the affairs of their death, death is their end. The end of their stay at Dou."

Prime began to feel that mortals are quite peculiar. "Animals don't seem to view death like those other entities. Dying seems normal for them, so how come they called us immortals?"

"We don't die. At least not until we finish an assigned task."

"Really, we could die?" she asked as she cocked her head to the right, some hints of sleepiness could be seen in her eyes. It would seem she was fighting the sleepiness she felt. But this new profound knowledge still squeezed a bit of her curiosity since all the deities she met so far didn't look like they were about to die anytime soon.

Egon started taking unnoticeable deep breaths on his back. As he answered all her questions, he thought, 'good thing she can't see my face.' There was some solemness on his handsome face. "Yes, mortals can, at some specific point of luck, kill us."

When she heard those last words. It woke her spirit a bit, she blinked as she yawned and asked, "Kill?"

"Just like when you hunt. When you catch your prey and they finally lose consciousness forever. That state is called death, but the act of hunting is a form of killing. By the way, what was your warm up routine?"

"I had to run 30 miles," She yawned as she rubbed her face on Egon's back. When he felt her head, he couldn't help but have a very gentle smile. "She also asked me to add some weights on my ankles as I ran." She squirmed and started talking like the child that he knows. He couldn't help but chuckle. "She bullied baby Prime?" "Hmmm! She's such a big bully, looking all well mannered and lovely, but she had the heart to do that to me. How could she?" she replied as she grumbled. "Wait, what did you mean when you said that they hunt us?"

Egon was trying to make Prime forget about what Lucien told her but it would seem he cannot make her forget. He sighed again and answered her question calmly, trying his best to hide the anxiety that he had while talking about those mortals, "Not exactly. They can kill us when a soul link happens between us deities. That is the only time we have the weakness of mortality." He thought to himself, 'Tis' better for her to ask me rather than Lucien, if she did ask him, Prime's knowledge of things might go out of proportions' he frowned at the thought of Lucien's mischief running amok if he was the one to...

"Then we really shouldn't be called immortals."

"Rightly so."



"Can you ask big sis if I can come with you?" She mumbled incoherently, she was also rubbing her face on his back like a cat. Prime was getting very sleepy. She really liked Egon's scent, it was like the fresh morning air that felt cool and nice.

He had a grim smile on his face. "I can't."

"MmmMmm" Prime hummed in a dejected manner.

"We would never dare place you in danger. Not for the second time around..."


After half an hour of silence, Egon knew that Prime was fast asleep, he then confessed to her while she was unconscious. "Fricks died because of the Mortals, Prime. You were created to replace our loss of Fricks, and also to replace him of his duty. You have no idea how much turmoil it caused when they killed him, when they killed those deities... You have no idea how important you are, the responsibility Fricks had is now on your shoulders, such a heavy burden for such a young deity." He couldn't help but close his eyes and stop his steps. "I just wish you could be happier than him." There was this fragile look in his eyes. His pupils had the shade of grey-ish light amethyst that seem to radiate with sorrow suffused with this sense of loss.

Egon had a well built body which was also well hidden by his clothes. He was just as dangerous as Lucien and Micaheil, except his demeanor was more gentle and approachable than the other two. He could easily get anybody's trust. Before, he greatly disliked this quality of his, it's just that when Prime was born, he felt very joyful with how attached the newborn deity was with him. He felt, for the first time, that having a gentle and approachable nature made him have a connection more deeper than any of the deities his age, a connection with Petite Prime. He truly loved and doted on Prime like she was his own sister. After stopping for a while, he decided to stay for a while and slowly he layed her on the floor. He couldn't help but caress her rosy cheeks. 'She did run quite remarkably fast. But this daily exercise has made her quite sleepy. Seriously, Micah is really trying her best to keep everything from you, and I am to. We wish for nothing but happiness... your happiness is our happiness. O, Little Prime, I wish you never did start to grow up..." He then gently knelt by her side, he then lifted her in a princess style manner.

~Back to Micaheil and Lucien~

"My, my, the ice cold sunshine prince is quite refreshing today. Look, he even knelt down just to accomodate the whims of your sister. Tell me, are you really unaware of how much of a weakness her existence has brought upon the two of you?"

Micaheil vanished before Lucien and she appeared behind him. She held her rappier in a reverse grip as she stood behind Lucien, her right hand holding the rappier was above Lucien's left shoulder, the blade of the rappier at the middle of his neck. "You, why did you meet her?"

"Where is Zara? My sister, where did you hide her?" Lucien asked coldly.

"I have no idea where Zara is."

"Is that so?"

"It is so."

He chuckled lightly, "I wonder about that. Let your little sister come with us. She needs to learn about mortals. The sooner she understands the depth of a humans heart, the farther her heart will be for those entities." There was a hint of concern as he spoke. He stood firmly, as if there was no blade aimed at his neck.

"She will not come with us."


"Egon will be accompanying her. She will learn medicine for this century."

Lucien looked down, there was this crimson flush on his cheeks, "Let me train her after Egon."

Micaheil's pupils' constricted, her grip on the rappier tightened. The blade touched the skin of Lucien's neck, blood started to trickle down his fair and masculine neck.

"You, I don't trust you."

"Your distrust is what caused Fricks' death. And this time, you may cause another death, Your little sister's death."

She rebutted calmly, "And your overt trust has caused your sister to go missing."

Lucien breathed in deeply after hearing those words.

Micaheil's body started to relax. She replied calmly, "I know." She hesitated before she loosened the grip she had on her sword. She retracted her rappier, and placed it into the scabbard. Lucien turned around elegantly, as if he didn't have the rappier at his neck, he even peered down at Micaheil's eyes. He suddenly heard her speak so softly, it was almost as if she was against the words she was spewing, "If she wishes to learn some more, after this century with Egon, she may come to you and learn from your cunning mind."

~In Jin's room~

The Fayes had a solemn look about them.

Vex called out to Xen, "Call Ra."

Xen was shocked, she didn't expect her sister to become lenient after the argument she had about Jin's life with Aka.

She walked out, immediately going towards the direction of Ra's room.

Aka then placed her left hand on top of Vex's right hand as they sat on the edge of Jin's bed. "Thank you." was all the words that Aka could muster.