Crossing Paths

Looking out of the window, Egon saw all the soul piercers that appeared like a horde. His eyes held an indifference which made the room's temperature drop. As he stood there, there was this dangerous aura of death. When he turned around, his sight fell on Prime, and there was this subtle change in his gaze. His demeanor started to have this weariness, the burden created when he poured large amounts of chi into the medicine and ointments were now showing. His steps staggered as he went back inside, haggardly he sat on the chair by the bedside. His voice raspy as he whispered, "Prime..."

His bloodshot eyes were burning with sensation, eyelids drooping, there were even black blotches in his vision. He tried to not lose balance as he struggled while sitting.

The next moment, there was a sudden gust of wind that entered the room. Egon disregarded the wind and kept staring at Prime like he would lose her if he looked away, even if it was just for a second. Drudgingly, he stood up and gently sat at the edge of the bed facing Prime, legs crossed, eyes half-closed. After an hour passed, his eyes closed indefinitely as if asleep.

During this moment, the world was enveloped by darkness.



*chomp *chomp *chomp

Sounds of running and bones breaking permeated the air. Soon enough, it also held the scent of fresh blood.

Egon, gently opened his eyes and his eyes immediately unsealed itself. His Allwissender Basiliskenauge was of rich silver that seemed to shine in this pitch black world.

Unperturbed, he reached out to the side table for Prime's ointment because it was time to apply them unto her wounds. However, these ointment aren't like usual ointments. Egon, using his knowledge of medicine concentrated his chi and made these herbs have this active proponent that when it is placed on any skin, not only will it heal and help regenerate the skin, but the skin will be sturdier and will be more efficient as an organ. Lucien's chi was for a stronger dosage per herb. Those thousand old herbs could not compare to herbs filled with a deity's chi for their chi is the very life force that helps maintain the mortal world[1]. Not only that, Lucien and Egon were one of the first children of the Lady and the Lord. Their chi was of the purest kind, more pure than any holy, spiritual artifact; even a divine beast's blood could not compare.

There was this almost unperceptable livid exhaustion in his eyes as he applied the ointments.


The sound of somebody chuckling was continuously heard in the room. Egon ignored it and adeptly applied the ointment on Prime.

A voice spoke out of nowhere, "Hiding here, how smart."

After putting the ointment, he fixed Prime's gown and covered her with a blanket. There was this air of scorn and distaste around him as he looked at the direction of the paranormal being.

The man sat on the stool that Egon was previously sitting at.

"Fricks..." the timbre of his voice was venomous.

Fricks looked at Egon, there was this vague look in his eyes. He then looked towards Prime, "Give her to me." he said casually.

A sneer was on Egon's lips, he then uttered in a rather calm way, "You should be going."

Suddenly, an inscription lit up inside the house and surrounded Egon and Fricks. The inscription was not big enough to catch the Soul Piercers' attention but it created this otherworldly picturesque. The intense darkness formed a contrast for the two people inside which were enveloped in the light of the incantation.

In the midst of this light, Egon had this oppressive aura explode and Fricks' eyes constricted. He immediately tried to get out of the scope of the incantation, it's just that, the incantation seemed alive. It moved to where he moved and trapped him into the spell. Slowly, his movements regressed and there was this binding force that seem to overtake him. His body started to tremble as he resisted.

Fricks had an eerie smile on as he stopped struggling. "I always knew you were different. You and him. The two of you aren't like me and Micah."

Egon didn't respond to his accusations. His eyes were starting to sting. He swung his left hand and in the next moment as if a vacuum of a vortex pulled Fricks in while the incantations enveloped him. Fricks eyed Egon. He then closed his eyes as he whispered, "This power...tsk..."

In the void, Egon replied, "Hey, just so we're clear. This heartlessness born among the three main generals, you brought it upon this world the moment you became selfish."

In his exhaustion, when he faced the bed, he loss consciousness. In actuality, Egon already felt that something was wrong with the seal before Fricks arrived. He ended it before it even tried to end him.

~At the volcano~

Hours passed and the ray of the sun showered the earth.

Feeling the warmth of the cosmic star revitalized Micah. She opened her eyes that now had a bright emerald color, her skin seemed to have an ethereal glow as it was basking in a halo of some sort. However, if one looked closely, there was a slight frown on her face for she felt a contrasting benevolent darkness beneath her.

Micah's instinct told her that the volcano they were at held secrets and these secrets, she had chanced upon it with her prolonged stay and most especially because of the heightened senses from the Allwissender Basiliskenauge, the aura drizzling out of the core of the volcano became even more apparent.

"What's your name?" she asked the hatchling in her arms.

The dragon's eyes sparkled as it eyed her with interest.

Micah smirked, she suddenly reached out and pinched the hatchling.

The hatchling was fazed. She escaped from Micah's grasp and stared intently at the deity before her, as she landed on a nearby boulder. Seeing those Allwissender Basiliskenauge eyes made her weary of this so called created deity. She decided to keep peace with Micah since Prime is her little sister. "Brighid."

Micah blinked as her demeanor softened, "Brighid, your parents thought well and hard for your name. But since your my little sister's dragon, you're somewhat a little sister to me..." As she spoke, the hatchling felt a sense of danger like never before as she listened in anticipation to what she meant. "...I'll call you Bree😋."

Bree felt indignant, 'my status is not equal to some pet!' "Take it back." she solemnly said as her cheeks puffed like an adorable frog's in her hatchling form.

Micah was not fazed. She even came forward and petted the little dragon. "I'm just informing you of what Prime would call you." There was this endearing air about her as she talked about her sister.

Bree was somewhat taken in by Micah's caress, at the same time, the gentle demeanor of the woman before her was as refreshing as spring breeze, but she reeled herself in with the idea of that annoying pet name and tried to bite her hand. Unfortunately, Micah was prepared and withdrew her hand before the hatchling's bite could harm her, her face covered with an elegant mischief. She remarked, "Truly, she even got a friend with a similar personality."

The glint in her eyes changed, the aura around her became baneful. Her body was now protected with a black-silver armor, the temperature within a hundred thousand radius began to drop. Facing the hatchling was the general amongst generals of deities.

Micah passed by the hatchling and said apathetically, "Anyways, I have to go somewhere."

Bree was enveloped by a blue light. As the light dissipated, Bree's form once again changed into that of a child.

Micah did not look back as she whispered "завершение[2]." while raising her left hand. There was a void of wind coming from her hand, in the midst of the wind, a sword materialized, it was a brownish green wave-bladed sword.

When Bree saw the sword, her eyes constricted and her heart pounded wildly, "завершение?"

Micah just turned her head to the left a bit, she side glanced Bree, there was now an aura of destruction rampaging from that look. Her voice seemed to echo in the vast expanse as she said, "Go back to your master. You do not need to see the monstrosity I'm about to cleanse"

Suddenly, the wind enveloped the hatchling forming a hurricane. She was then lifted up by the hurricane and everything around her (or her vision) started to spin.

The howling wind became the only sound at the terrain of the volcano, the temperature continued to drop.

A seductive husky voice spoke by Micah, "Chimera?"

Lucien appeared by Micah's side, he was wearing a ravishing white robe akin to pure snow. His Allwissender Basiliskenauge along with his attire made him seem more otherworldly.

Micah gave a perfunctory nod.

Lucien chuckled as he started to float, his robes were being blown by the wind, making him seem more like the heavenly immortal he was. "I didn't expect to encounter the exiles of the upper realm. They really think our land is free for them to conquer."

Micah also began to float next to Lucien, she faced the volcano, looking at it as if it was a speck of dust. Her right hand produced a warped space which was forcing itself to grow rapidly that it almost absorbed and destroyed everything, but Lucien's left hand forced and condensed the void. If one looked at the void they were making, it was a circular space which started to twist the reality within its range. Both of their hands gently threw the void towards the volcano, when it reached the top of the volcano, it started to wreck destruction. Everything it touched, disintegrated.

When half of the volcano's top was gone, it now looked like a caldera volcano and its center oddly had no lava but rather a black glob that had a mirage like outer layer. After this, the void slowly weakened and dissipated as if it had served its purpose.

The unusual black glob with eyes started to tremble, followed by a screeching sound. As the light shone on the black glob, unidentifiable animals could then be seen, seeming to have been asleep while huddled to the black glob; these were chimeras. Their eyes were bloodshot as they were forced to wake up, the screech seemed to have been an order that they can mutually understand with the black glob, regardless as to whether they were willing or not, they obeyed.

Flames enveloped the wave-bladed sword, its heat was akin to the flames of hot-blooded newborn stars. The plants of the forest were ignited due to the immense heat from the sword that even a forest fire began. Seeing this, Micah glared at Lucien knowing that this degree of destruction wasn't part of the plan, he relented as he closed his eyes and the winds started to envelope him, then dark clouds started to form above the forest and volcano. The orographic clouds ferociously rained, immediately covering the forest, subjugating the ensuing forest fire with its thunderous claps.

The electric charge from the clouds seemed to resonate with the wave bladed sword. When the fire was extinguished, Micah raised her sword up to the clouds, the fire from the sword rose and merged with the clouds. Surprisingly, the electricity from the clouds started to break loose while pulling and merging with the fire, an amalgamation of the two elements created fissures in space. The sky was painted with the blending of different colors from the fire and lightning, stretching out to the the vast expanse. The scene was both ominous and awe inspiring.

Amongst the bizarre happenings, Micah stood in the middle of heaven and earth, perfectly depicting a god's wrath. There was this arctic and eerie air forming at her space as she lowered her sword, her soft voice then whispered in the midst of the scorching flame and the raging thunder, "Ion, obliterate it."

After this, it was as if the clouds became alive and started to take shape, a Phoenix with the element of fire and lightning formed. It flapped its wings like a hegemon displaying its unmatched prowess, flying towards the volcano, it circled and circled at the top of the caldera, until finally, it flew to a high point in the mesosphere before it flew downwards to the chimeras and black glob like a destructive meteorite.

The Phoenix engulfed the volcano creating a deep crevice. It's actions seemed to have called upon the earth's core as the sleeping volcano started to erupt, magma found its way to the volcanic vent where the black gob was at. The extreme heat from both the Phoenix and the volcano started to burn the glob, it boiled and dark smoke and lahar started to waff from the volcano. The sound of howling pain spread through the air as the chimeras were burnt to fine dusts. A peculiar smoke also rose from the caldera, the smoke of burning souls.

Micah closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Lucien looked at her pensively.

"Ion" Micah whispered.

The Phoenix once again showed its mighty form and its cry for victory depicted the majesty of this fearsome beast as it stood at the center of the caldera while its wings spread out. Slowly the Phoenix seemed to become smaller and smaller until it was the size of an eagle in the midst of the pool of lava inside the crevice. It then flew up, as it rose, the volcano started to enter a state of inactivity again as the magma stopped flowing out. The Phoenix flew towards Micah, it faced her with reverence. A majestic voice then spoke, "Micaheil."

When Micah opened her eyes, her Allwissender Basiliskenauge was unsealed and she looked at the celestial divine beast before her. Her spine chilling voice replied, "Ion..," as she raised her right arm. The Phoenix slowly landed on Micah's arm and its fiery elements quietened.

In a regal and imposing manner, Micah praised Ion, "You've done well."

Ion eyed her before she nodded at Micah. Ion then spoke in a respectful manner, "It is rare for the two of you to call upon me."

Lucien chuckled as he went in front of the Phoenix and his general. He then caressed Ion, "Good to see you too. You seem to have become even more beautiful, Ion"

Ion shook her head and queried, "Child, it has been a millenia since the last time you have called upon me, such a measly task, you could have just called upon the elements." She looked directly at Micah.

Unfazed, she ordered, "Ion, call upon Aurora, calm the forest."

Ion did not get angry, she did not bother with the unanswered question. Upon hearing the orders, she flew away from the two, she suddenly flapped her wings in a inward manner as if a human crossing their arms on their chest, her chest suddenly had a void that sucked her unwards, she disappeared.

"First Ion, then Aurora. Why wake up our citizens after a millenia of peace?" Lucien asked as he was perplexed by Micaheil's actions.

"That hatchling, she seems to have been educated about the lost gods."

Lucien clenched his fists and said while controlling his temper, "I told you, we should've killed it."

Micah looked at him calmly, "My sister has created a bond with that lizard. I must say she has bad taste." she chuckled as she thought of this, the rigid air started to become normal. "But the bond has been made, the Lady and the Lord allowed it. We cannot undo a heavenly bestowed bond[3]."

Lucien was shocked, he asked, "The lightning trial was also..."

Micah closed her eyes and nodded.

"I haven't seen this much destruction from you for a long time..."

Micah smiled. "You didn't even hold me back." she stated as a matter of fact.

Lucien chuckled, "Who questions you when you're like that? I still wanna live.😂"

A malevolent and dark aura seeped out from Micah as she said, "I have no intention of being merciful, they've gone too far. They've forgotten why beings like us invoke fear and reverence." She scoffed as her head slowly leaned to the right as she looked at the smoke of burnt souls with a gentle smile.

Lucien nodded, it would seem that he wasn't the only one who acted tyrannically this time.

A sweet refreshing wind started to envelope the forest and volcano. Two women, one with a fiery red hair and one with a rainbow like hair appeared.

The two deities looked at the two women. Lucien ordered, "Aurora, will have to bother you to restore the peace and order here."

The woman with the rainbow like hair nodded, she turned around and sang a melodious incantation, as she sang, an aurora covered the vast expanse.

Aurora's song of healing:

Earth, hear thine voice

life and death, growth and time,

let all of these cover your abode

Thine guardians must subdue,

the strangers will, whose hearts unknown

if left untouched,

what hath made might be loss

by death or by soul

loss is loss,

yet thine living must persist

let thine warmth be just right,

let thine wind caress each life,

let thine streams relieve parched lives

let thine earth nourish its beings

Let these word remind you

I am~ with you.

--- end ---

The forest and volcano returned to its original state, it was as if it was untouched.

~Micah and Lucien's discussion while Aurora was singing~

Micah sighed as she reached out and held Lucien's right hand. "We can't stop it." she then laughed sarcastically as she added, "We can't hide from it. However, I can't stop myself, she must not become a part of this... not this.... not again." Tears gradually fell from her crystal clear eyes.

Lucien held her hand tightly, he bit his lower lip, scratched his nose, and said, "We will try, okay. We will." He then faced Micah as they both released one another's hands, he then hugged her tightly.

She cried in a restrained manner, "Crossing paths with them will be inevitable."

He lowered his head, his chin on top of her head, replied by, "Mmm."

They looked at the forest that was now starting to recover.

They were both silent as Aurora sang, after a while, Lucien ensured, "Your sister is smart. Her potential is limitless, she will... she will find a way around this." He sincerely gazed at Prime as he said all this.

Micah nodded as she closed her eyes with a heavy heart. She grasped his robes tightly, calming herself by placing her head at his broad and firm chest, her left ear directly hearing his strong heartbeat, calming her.

When all was finished, the two women stood in front of them.

Lucien spoke authoritatively, "You may go back, Ion and Aurora."

[1] Iroko and Ikal really wanted harmony between the two creations. So, the deities are really what keeps the world of the mortals and immortals in a state of balance.

[2] завершение: completion, perfection, end, conclusion, finality, finishing

[3] Heavenly bestowed bond: A bond blessed by the heavens. This kind of blessing ensures that both party's growth and trust will deepen with time. Nothing can break it. Not even the gods above.