I am Wang Reiji

"Good day our beloved passengers! We have just arrived at Beijing's International Airport. Please wait until the aircraft comes into a complete halt before unbuckling your seatbelts. We hope you enjoyed your trip. Once again, welcome and thank you for choosing to fly with us!"

Finally, after a 12 hour trip she is now back in Beijing. The place where most of the memories she was trying hard to forget took place. Actually, she has no plans of going back. Afterall, this place is where she spent 18 years of her life in agony. She was young and helpless that time but fortunately she was not fragile. However, that was ages ago. She is not the same pushover girl before, she is now CEO Wang and the majority share holder of the Wang Empire Chain of Hotels.

"Ah, I should quickly deal with the matters so that I can go back to Europa immediately." Wang Reiji told herself while staring at her daughter's picture on her Uphone.

The purpose of Wang Reiji's visit to Beijing is purely business. She personally went to check on their newly opened hotel and casino, Oriental Europa. She wants to see if things are going smoothly for this branch.

After walking for almost five minutes, Wang Reiji reached the exit. Several men in black suits were waiting for her.

"Welcome Boss!"

The men greeted in unison as they bowed their heads and paid respect to their big boss.

"Nice to see you guys, I hope that we can get along well." Wang Reiji said while smiling at her subordinates.

After a few seconds, a black limousine stop in front of the exit gate. A tall guy with a neatly cut hair wearing a black coat went out from the front passenger side of the limo.

He smiled at Wang Reiji before lowering his head to greet her.

"Greetings Boss! Welcome to Beijing. I hope you had a comfortable flight. You don't have much on your schedule for today. You just have to attend the welcome feast prepared for you by the Greater Eastern Alliance at 8pm later."

RenTao sweetly smiled as he moved to open the door for the lady boss.

Upon hearing the words 'Greater Eastern Alliance' Wang Reiji's face darkened.

"How did they now I will be arriving today? My arrival should be confidential, right? Besides, I don't have intentions of meeting people from the underground society. "

The sweet smile on RenTao's lips suddenly vanished together with the colors of his face. It's winter now, but why does it feel the temperature rocketed up? Did he just fall to hell?