Weapon Against The Bad Guy

"You're Chairman Kiang's granddaughter, right? Call your old man now and tell him to drop the murder case or else..."

The man said in a cold voice as he threatened her with the knife.

Kiang LeiLei swallowed a lump in her throat as she glanced at the knife poking her neck.

She wanted to scream for help but every cell of her body was consumed by fear. Her heart was beating harder and faster as a flow of negative thoughts flooded her mind.

Was this her punishment for becoming so good at being rude? Hey, it was just a facade though. She was really a nice and generous girl, however, when she realized that having a soft side can hurt too much, she donned a mask and protected her heart.

"Don't test my patience! Call Chairman Kiang now!" The masked man growled as his grip tightened around her.

Kiang LeiLei took a deep breath before she opened her handbag.

'Think!' She ordered herself as her shaking hands blindly searched through her bag, hoping to grab something useful. Alas! Her hands did not disappoint, they found her stun gun.

'Thank goodness! It's here!"

Without a second thought, she quickly pulled the weapon out and hit the man's groin. The shock momentarily stunned the man and allowed Kiang LeiLei to get away from him the instant he dropped the knife.

She was just one step away to the safe zone but the man was quick to recover and grabbed her by the hair.

"You think you can run away, b*tch?!"

"Get your hands off me, peasant!" Kiang LeiLei screamed as she struggled to free herself from his grip.


Before the man can finish his sentence, a hard object hit and knocked his vulture mask off. In his panic, he instinctively moved his hands to cover up his face as he reached for the mask on the floor. The young heiress then took this opportunity to run away from her captor.

The moment the man realized his prey had run away, it was already too late. He was already surrounded by the security.

"Arrest that man! Make sure he rots in prison!" Kiang LeiLei snarled at the security personnel as she forced herself to stand firm despite her trembling knees.

"LeiLei! Thank goodness you're okay."

Chairman Kiang cried as he rushed toward his granddaughter and embraced her.

"Grams! I'm okay now. The man's already in the custody of the security. No need to worry much, grams." Kiang LeiLei said as she held back her tears in her grandfather's embrace.

"I can't stop worrying. I can sense that the assault today has something to do with the murder case I'm dealing with. Did that filth mention anything about a case?"

Kiang LeiLei gently nodded her head and uttered a reply.

"He did grams... He wanted me to call and tell you to drop the murder case."

The muscles of Chairman Kiang's face tightened as he gritted his teeth to hold back his anger. That filth had already stepped the borderline when he assaulted his precious LeiLei, there's no way he'll drop the case and let him and his kin go. He'll do whatever he can to send them behind bars instead.

"Let's head back home, for now, we need to get you to safety first. So take a rest while I talk to Chairman Huang about your bodyguards." Chairman Kiang said as he assisted his granddaughter toward the exit.

The two were just a few steps away from the exit door when Kiang LeiLei remembered something crucial.

"Hold on, grams. We need to find out who helped me earlier."

Chairman Kiang furrowed his brows as he stared at his granddaughter in curiosity.

"You see grams... I was able to free myself from my captor because someone had knocked his mask off."

Kiang LeiLei explained as she recalled the events earlier.

"We must indeed thank that person for saving you. Don't worry, grams will do that for you."

"I want to thank him myself grams, I don't want to owe that person anything."

They were about to head back when they bumped to an investigator carrying a transparent plastic bag containing a tan crocodile patterned shoe.

"Good day, Chairman Kiang. We found this shoe at the scene. It looks like the owner used this to hit the perpetrator. However, we still need to investigate the owner of this shoe to certain his role in this assault." The investigator explained as he held the transparent bag up.

"Sounds good to me. Thank you, Sir."

Chairman Kiang said in a polite manner.

"One more thing, Ms. Kiang LeiLei we need you to cooperate with us regarding today's issue. Please drop by our office when you're ready to make a statement." The investigator said as he directed himself to the exit.


Chaun was holding the car's back door open when he noticed that Wang YuVin's left shoe was missing.

"Y-young master, what happened to your left shoe..." Chaun asked in a low voice.

"Uncle YuVin used it as a weapon against the bad guy!" Europa said seemingly proud of her uncle's action.

"Not too loud, my dear." Wang YuVin said to Europa.

"Anyway, change of plans, Chaun. Let's go to Regent Mall first. I need to buy a new pair of shoes before meeting up with Rong for lunch." Wang YuVin said as he and Europa got inside the car.