Under The Same Sky

Inside an executive room in a hospital near the sea, Zhang Chenric was staring at his father who was sleeping peacefully.

His hunch was correct, it was not just a case of dementia. It's something even more severe and more frightening --- Alzheimer's disease.

According to the specialist, there's a high possibility that his father's condition was triggered by chronic stress, fear, and anxiety.

Short and temporary episodes of fear and stress are part of the everyday life. However, prolonged personal problems can harm the immune system and cause brain damage. Fortunately, the damage to his father's brain was not completely irreversible. With the right treatment, they can still boost his brain regeneration.

Zhang Chenric sat himself down on the couch as he tried to figure out what caused his father to overthink things.

Why was he stressed? What were his fears? What was he anxious about? Has it something to do with what had happened 5 years ago?

Zhang Chenric pinched the skin between his brows. He had really no idea. All he can do for now is to hope and pray that his father's condition becomes better.

When his thoughts stopped flooding his mind, he suddenly felt sleepy. At first, he was fighting the urge to sleep, but upon remembering that his health is important too, he let himself sank into slumber.


As soon as Wang Reiji arrived home, she immediately looked for Europa to ask about her latest adventures.

Her daughter then rushed to her while dragging her big rainbow llama plushie and unicorn.

"Mama, welcome home!" Europa said as she dropped her dolls to give her mother a big hug.

"How's my darling? Oh, a big llama doll! Did uncle Yuvin buy that for you?" Wang Reiji asked as she pointed the llama plushie.

"I'm fine, mama. I had a great time," Europa answered wearing her best smile.

"Mmm, it's my welcome gift from uncle Rong." The little girl added.

"Wow! Uncle Rong's so thoughtful. Did you thank him for giving you the llama?" Wang Reiji asked as she pats her daughters head.

"Yes, mama. Mmm, but can we invite uncle Rong over? I want him to meet rainbow horn." Europa said as she placed her plushies on their quilted leather sofa.

Wang Reiji paused for a while before giving Europa her answer. Her eyes twinkled as she thought of the man-made lake.

"What if we visit uncle Rong instead? They have a man-made lake and Uncle Rong can take you on a boat ride."

"And Chairman Qin would be happy if he sees you." She added.

The little girl put on her thinking face as she asked her mother a question.

"Who's Chairman Qin, mama? Why would he be happy to see me?"

"Chairman Qin's the father of uncle Rong. He's also your grandpa's best friend." Wang Reiji exclaimed.

"Grandpa's best friend? But how come I didn't see him together with grandpa? Best friends should always be together, right?" Europa said as she climbed up the sofa and hugged her plushies.

Wang Reiji sat herself down and brushed Europa's hair behind her ear.

"Listen to me, baby. Sometimes, because of certain reasons, best friends can't always be together. Just like your grandpa and Chairman Qin. But even though they weren't always together, their hearts stayed connected."

"So, two persons can still become best friends even if they can't always be together?" Europa asked.

"You got it right, sweetie. As long as they share the same sky they're still together." Wang Reiji answered as she kissed her daughter's head.

"Maybe Chairman Qin misses grandpa too...just like how I miss him," Europa said as she put her chubby arms around her mother's neck.

"You're probably right about that. I bet Chairman Qin misses your grandpa a lot. So, let's visit him so he won't be that much lonely, okay?"

"Yes, mama! Let's visit Chairman Qin." Europa said in a cheerful tone.

As soon as they finished talking about paying the Qin family a visit, Ai and Bai showed up in the living room.

"CEO Wang, dinner's already prepared." The twins said in unison.

"Thank you. Can you please help Europa wash her hands? I'll just change my clothes." Wang Reiji said.

The twins nodded their heads as they assisted Europa on her way to the lavatory.


"Any info about that god-damn ex-general prosecutor?" asked an old man wearing a tailored suit.

"I'm still on it boss. But one thing's confirmed. He's alive." A man with a burn scar on his right arm answered.

"That fool dared to mess up with my plans. I will show him no mercy."

"Boss, what if his son gets in the way?"

"Hahaha, that I doubt. Zhang Chenrick would become so disgusted with his father after he learned the truth." The man in tailored suit answered confidently.

"Don't hurt Zhang Chenrick for now, my eldest daughter's crazily in love with that bastard."

"Okay, boss."

"Here's your partial payment. The sooner you get the job done, the bigger bonus you'll get." The old man said as he handed a cheque to the person.

"Whoa! Thank you, boss." The man said as his eyes flashed with greed.

"And can you please do something with that scar? It really annoys me."

"O-okay, boss." The man stammered as he covered his burn scar.

The old man in a tailored suit stood up and quietly walked toward a black maybach waiting for him.

As soon as the man entered the car, he spoke to his driver.

"Let's visit the Huangs."

The driver nodded his head and stepped on the gas.