Exposed Alter Ego

Hearing the assistant's words, Lady Tong's fair skin slowly paled as her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as she stood frozen in front of everybody inside the lobby.

In that exact moment, she wished the floor of Paragon Tower to open up and swallow her whole. Unfortunately, there was no rescue from the embarrassment she caused herself.

Seeing Lady Tong's face reddened with shame, the assistant can only watch her employer soak in an embarrassing moment. The Lady Tong who was famous for bullying people, fell victim to her own scheme. She went there to humiliate them but too bad it backfired and she ended up humiliating herself instead.

Before falling deeper into the abyss of shame, Lady Tong decided to flee the scene. Quickening her pace, she hurriedly walked out of the lobby. In her mind, everything happened because of the nosy starlet. How dare her interfered with her business transaction? She even took her gowns home!