A sudden proposal

After he had finished dealing with the troublemakers upstairs, Wang Yuvin went down and straight to his newly modified office where he asked Kiang Leilei to wait for him. Honestly, he had not seen what the new office looked like. Now, he can only hope that look of the room will suit Kiang Leilei's taste.

If he remembered correctly, he instructed the manager to make sure that the interior of the room was a combination of both simplicity and elegance. He also told him to put a sleeper sofa beside the ceiling to floor windows. Also, he strictly ordered him not to install any hidden video recorders or camera inside his private room.

Arriving in front of his own private room, Wang Yuvin decided to fix his clothes first before he tapped the key card to open the door. In his excitement, he forgot to knock first thus Kiang Leilei was startled when the door suddenly swung open.