Love Birds

"I will count you on that Mr. Manager." Wang Yuvin said as he started to walk towards the main doors of the Hideout as well.

"Sure, master! I will teach you everything you need to know!" The manager who turned white as a paper a while ago had now recovered.

As Wang Yuvin continued to walk towards the Hideout's main entrance and exit, he saw Kiang Leilei sitting on one of the couches and was waiting patiently for him.

'Thank heavens I was able to save you that day.' Wang Yuvin thought to himself as he silently admired the innocent look of Kiang Leilei.

Living a life of never-ending danger and evading death in the previous five years of his life, Wang Yuvin did not make many friends and had no time to crush on girls. He devoted solely his life into honing his skills and making sure that when the time came for him to punish those responsible for his parents' death, he was more than ready to collect their overdue debts with interest included.