
"Tsk! The nerve!"Gianna huffed as she closed the door behind her and directed her strenght into her feet, heavily marching her way to and inside the elevator. 

"That fool thinks he can outsmart me? Never in a lifetime!" Gianna said spitefully while her fingers pushed on the button of the elevator. 

As the elevator started to descend, nobody else went inside not until it reached the 12th floor of the Royal Regent. 

Four suspicious looking men wearing black leather jackets stepped inside the elevator. It seemed like they barely noticed Gianna's presence for they were busy discussing among themselves. 

"That new owner must be favored by the gods." The last one to ride the elevator said.

"To think he escaped death and was even rescued by Chairman Xu himself. Indeed, the gods favor him." The guy in front of Gianna affirmed.

"Council Yun's daughter trusts him too."