
Back in the Wang Villa...


The faint sound of a ringing phone made Kiang Leilei turned her gaze on the table beside where she sat. Looking at the buzzing phone, her eyes accidentally caught sight of the glowing screen and saw an unregistered number flashing.

'Who this might be?' Kiang Leilei uttered to herself. Curious, she then felt the urge to answer Wang Yuvin's phone. 

'No! It is improper for me to answer the call!'Kiang Leilei reprimanded herself and averted her eyes from Wang Yuvin's phone. 

"Maybe that call is urgent. Why not answer it or bring Mr. Wang's phone to him?" Chairman Xu said as he took a sip of his tea and wandered his eyes around. Currently, Chairman Xu and Kiang Leilei were inside the Pagoda style-pavillion in the middle of the Villa's garden.