
After over an hour of eating and enjoying their sumptuous lunch, Wang Reiji excused herself once more. She was actually running late for the hotel's commercial shoot. Everyone understood her circumstance and bid her farewell. Wang Yuvin then excused himself as well to escort her out of the dining hall. 

"See you later, sis. Thank you for everything today. " Wang Yuvin said as he slowly looked away from Wang Reiji as guilt shrouded his countenance.

"And sorry for dragging our family into this mess I made." He added. 

Wang Reiji stared at her brother for a while before she walked towards him and lovingly tousled his hair. 

"Everyone makes mistakes. It is what makes us humans. What's important is that we realize that we are wrong and we do something about it." 

Wang Yuvin smiled as he gently nodded his head, seemingly satisfied of his sister's answer.