The Wall Climbing Beauty

As her heart hammered hard against her chest, Wang Reiji hang on the possibility that her god sibling was still alive. Following her instinct, she quickly searched the area, hoping to find the boy and eventually her Aunt Hee. 

With a strong wish to find any member of Aunt Hee's family, her feet took her some meters away from the shoe's location. Reaching the other end of the river, she finally saw Aunt Hee's son. With wide eyes and mouth stretched open, Wang Reiji realized that her godsibling was about to commit suicide soon as the light of the moon shone on the long shard of glass that was about to pierce the teenager's neck. 

"Cut! Good take!" The director yelled out loud, snapping Wang Reiji back to the reality. She quickly bit her lower lip in an attempt to push back the tears that were welling in corner of her eyes. 

The makeup artist and the senior hair stylist approached her immediately to re apply her make up on and fix her hair back in place.