In the eyes of the Society and Law

Wang Reiji spared no second look at the crushed communication device beneath her foot. She really wanted to end everything with Zhang Chenric in just one swoop thus this confrontation should only be between her and him. Also, it seemed like she was not yet ready to fully open up her past to her subordinates. Though she had trust in them, there was still a limit unto which she can share a portion of her private life. If she shared everything now, what will be left of her?

Walking on the firm carpet covering the hallway of the 13th floor, Wang Reiji took out her palm gun, cocked it before she stopped in front of room 007 and stared at one of the CCTV. It was as if telling Hanzo to unlock the door for her. Split seconds after her gesture, a soft clicking sound coming from the side of the door was heard. Hanzo understood her stare and promptly unlocked the door so she can enter.