You are really no fun at parties!

"Nasty! Nasty! How dare that boy openly flirt with those girls?!" An old man in a tweedy suit paired with bauta cera mask said as he stared daggers at Wang Yuvin with clenched fist and gritted teeth.

"Relaxe! He seemed not flirting with the girls to me. It was more like the other way around." The old man wearing a Zanni mask beside him replied in a calm voice.

"Open your eyes! He was acting so coy with the girls in that table! How shameless! Even philandering in front of his young niece!" The old man said, his angry face hidden beneath the mask he wore.

"Enough of the nonsense bickering! Why can't you see that there was something about that lad that drew people to him? He is a good-looking young man with a nice physique and a welcoming nature." The other old man said as he excitedly cut open a seafood stuffed roasted lobster with his hands.