Brewing Danger

A loud banging sound was heard inside the gentlemen's restroom. Rushing hot-headed Yang Kim went out of a cubicle, cracking his neck while approaching the lavatory. While washing his hands, he started to think of many ways to intimidate his subordinates more. Or punish them if their plan failed.

He grabbed a paper towel and dried his hands clean. Then, he quickly took his phone out of his pocket, and messaged one of his loyal lackeys. A few moments after, his phone rang.

"Young Master Yang, me and the boys are on our way to the 20th floor. Leave everything to us. You shouldn't worry about anything," one of his lackeys assured him. The confidence in his voice is overflowing.

"Is that so?" Yang Kim cockily answered, cracking his neck and letting out a heavy sigh. "What about the Chairman? Huh?" he hissed through his phone.