Vulgar words

Seeing Yang Kim rushed out from her room, Kiang Leilei heaved a sigh of relief causing her arms which supported her body mass to lose their strength. She tried to catch her balance, unfortunately her legs were wobbly that the only left for her body to do was to fall over the iron railings of the balcony.

"Kyaaahh!" Kiang Leilei's eyes widened in shock as she fell down the railings. But before she hit the ground and surrendered herself to her fate, a pair of strong hands grabbed her left arm. Suspended in the air, she closed her eyes to catch her breath.

"I got you!" A familiar voice made Kiang Leilei raised her head up. As she landed her sight from its source, she cannot help but weep. Seconds ago, she was almost at the doors of death. But it seemed like it was not yet her time to go.