nouveau riche

Wang Yuvin lovingly stared at Kiang Leilei's peaceful sleeping face for a while before carefully bending down to kiss her forehead. He really wanted to spend the rest of the night with her so he can watch her sleep and make sure she was safe from harm. Unfortunately, he needed to go back to the banquet hall before the party comes to an end. But of course, prior to that, he needed an update on Yang Kim and his lackeys.

Before he left Kiang Leilei alone, he left a note on top of the bedside table and gave her a quick peck on her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, babe." He whispered softly into her ears.

With a heavy heart, he reluctantly opened the door and silently went out the room. He did not dare look back for he might really stay with Kiang Leilei this time and ditch Oriental Europa's masquerade party. He breathed a heavy sigh of resignation the moment he closed the door and walked towards the elevator.