Daizhuo's daughter

 As Wang Reiji entered the place she dreaded, numerous eyes pierced every bit of her skin. It was exactly what she did not want to happen, but the gazes were upon her for a different reason than she initially thought. In the distance, she could make out the sound of ceramic being dropped when she set foot on the police headquarters.

Not to be overwhelmed by the fixated stares she was receiving, Wang Reiji held her head up and approached the nearest officer at the front desk. Before she could spout a single word, the policeman, who was now smirking, cleared his throat and asked, "What brings you here, Miss? I believe that there are no pageants in this part of town." His voice was brimming with flirtatious undertones, one that Wang Reiji does not fully appreciate. Instead, she remained civil and directed the conversation to her goal.

"Actually, I'm here for someone. Do you know anyone na--"