
Ves enjoyed the varied dishes with relish. The dishes had been enhanced by a lot of unique spices that only a well-developed state like the Constance Grand Kingdom could come up with. It caused a lot of the locals some consternation when their mouths exploded in an unexpected burst of freshness or heat.

The only thing he didn't enjoy was Captain Wilson's constant chatter. While she disparaged him a lot, she also mentioned useful information whenever she talked about the mercenaries. She certainly loved gossiping.

"You need to eat more meat! You're too flimsy to impress the girls. A good boy like can use some time in the gym."

"The three mercenary outfits who partnered up with our boss are all professionals. They fill up half the Ark Horizon's hangar and they brought even more mechs aboard their own transports. They've got so much firepower that even Lord Kaine can't order them around."