
On a large and extensive training field, two mechs stood like giant statues. For this event, Horatio took some time off his busy schedule to mediate the mech design duel in person.

Ves had already met Horatio in person, but he never presented himself to the man in person. Horatio appeared very dignified in front of the two apprentices. He cast a very long look at the both of them before turning his attention to their mechs.

"Both of you have set a very subjective winning condition to your duel." He spoke. "Ten young mech cadets from the Abelard Academy will be visiting us here today. After spending thirty minutes with each of your mechs, the cadets will deliver their verdict on which mech they prefer in terms of comfort. Do note that these pilots might have a different understanding of the term than yours."

"Will we be able to explain the meaning in greater detail?"