Small Job

Ves left the job of establishing contact to his publicist. Gavin worked efficiently and contacted the Fireflies for a sponsorship offer.

To Gavin's surprise, Jarle expressed interest in obtaining a custom virtual mech. That left the door open to negotiations, which Gavin and Jarle's agent quickly hammered out.

Since the deal did not require much formality, the two sides came to a simple understanding.

In absolute terms, Ves provided Jarle with an exclusive customized virtual DarkSpear. He'd design the unique machine after a talk with Jarle over the comm and after he received a list of specifications.

Since they wanted to get this done as quickly as possible before the new duelling season began, Ves would not take more than a few days to complete the custom design.

Once Ves had done his part, Jarle would pilot his custom job and promote the DarkSpear model for a certain number of hours per week. The mech athlete and streamer would continue to pimp the DarkSpear model for a month.