Light Carrier

Ves felt as if he turned back to three and looked at a catalogue of model starships. Even though Ves developed a love for mechs early on, he also enjoyed other marvels. What kind of kid didn't fantasize about gallivanting across the galaxy in a modern and fully crewed starship?

As the owner of the Barracuda, Ves enjoyed owning the sleek corvette, even if he hadn't traveled on it all that much.

It was the thought that counted. He could always rely on a quick getaway as long as he owned his own vessel. Many others couldn't say the same.

From the Age of Stars, humanity became increasingly more dependent on starships to run their entire society. A single planet could never fulfill the needs of its citizen on its own. Not in the long run.

During the Age of Conquest, humanity aggressively developed bigger and better starships. The states that emerged during this time measured their military might against the aliens and each other by the size of their navies.