Parallax Star

A woman in her late thirties and a significantly older man wearing the coveralls of a chief technician arrived next to Ves, who still stared at the Parallax Star in fascinated horror.

The woman who wore the standard green uniform of a mech designer smiled and stepped forward. "Head Designer Larkinson, welcome aboard the Gorgon's Gaze, home to Venerable O'Callahan and his Parallax Star. My name is Lisbeth Eta-Denmersken, and I'm the leader of the design team. This old man here is Chief Leo Keys."

Ves snapped out of his attempt to make sense of the mechanical butchery at the end of the hangar bay. "Chief Keys. Miss Eta-Denmersken. I'm.. glad to meet you."

"You can call us by our first names."

"Alright then. I've seen enough. Lead me to a compartment where we can discuss things in private."