
Relia piloted a special swordsman mech provided by the Quistas training camp. The Neyvar model excelled in fighting against the creatures. It boasted an even armor coverage that strengthened its weak points at the cost of reducing its frontal armor. That was not a problem for her, because she could easily deal with any beast attacks that came from the front.

The mech further distinguished itself with its strong mechanical power. The augmented artificial musculature combined with a strong engine allowed the Neyvar to burst out with a humongous amount of strength.

The only downside to the mech was that it drained a lot of energy when Relia pushed its capabilities. Training Camp Quistas pointed out her lack of care regarding her energy levels.

Most of her engagements up to now consisted of ambushing pirates. The Hostland Warriors only deployed her unit when the carrier she was on had taken an advantageous position against the pirates.