
Ves woke up all of a sudden. He'd never been a heavy sleeper after he returned from Groening IV. His physical body's need for sleep seemingly lessened, but to sleep was to be human, so Ves still adhered to a strictly human biorhythm.

"Why did I wake up?" He scratched his dark hair while garbed in pajamas.

An unsettling sensation came over him. Ves shrugged out of bed and wiped his hand towards the window, causing it to turn from solid black to fully transparent.

He blinked at the night scape and checked the time. At three o'clock local time, the city was doused in the depths of sleep. Only the most hardcore partiers and revelers still roamed the streets. Drunken tourists crawled from bar to bar while the nightclubs lit up their surroundings with light and noise.

Beyond the stretch of beaches, half-a-dozen yachts had congregated and formed a makeshift floating club where over a hundred privileged young men and women pretended to be nocturnal party beasts.