Blind Prophet

In the preceding days before the inevitable confrontation between the Flagrant Swordmaidens and the affiliate pirate gangs of the Dragon Alliance, Ves stewed in his anger.

Ronnie Blast and his Blue Paradisio design profoundly offended Ves' professional sensibilities.

If someone ripped off his designs, they better do a decent job at it! This rank amateur completely missed the point about the original Crystal Lord, yet somehow felt daring enough to adapt it to his own work!

If Ves ever met Ronnie Blast in person, he'd probably smack his face into a mess of red. "I'll probably do more than that."

While it was something of an inevitability that any decently successful mech designer suffered from design theft, that didn't mean Ves would maintain his composure when confronted by such a case.

As several days went by, Ves couldn't help but go over the archival footage of the Blind Men's Blue Paradisios and pick them apart to excruciating detail.