Missed Potential

Quickly after the darkness fell, their underlayer vacsuits automatically enveloped their bodies in a thin fabric substance that protected them against the event of explosive decompression. It even came with a small emergency supply of oxygen, but it wouldn't last that long.

Ves felt he entered a very precarious situation right now!

The guards escorting Lord Javier stopped standing at the sides and approached their charge. Their heavy combat armor lit up the surroundings that had turned completely dark and silent.

"You're coming with us, Javier."

The noble shrugged apologetically to Ves. "I guess my babysitters won't allow us to remain together. Stay safe, Ves. You're okay for a Brighter."

Four guards surrounded the Vesian noble and marched him off to else, leaving Ves alone in the dining room. The magboots built into their combat armor kept them stuck to the deck despite the lack of gravity.